thy seemed to not like the social encounters as much as the standard fightin through a wave of enemies.
Are they Social characters?
If they stacked on the Physical and Mental skills, but no Social skills... they probably want to avoid Social as much as Harry Dresden...

Is there any fun way to introduce social encounters and maneuvers?
Rough question.
From a not-FATE perspective the best way to introduce Social situations is to find logical reason they'ed need to be in the Social situation. A Party. The Police-Fund Raiser Ball. Interrogating a suspect. Trawling the local bar's or occult stores for clues. Anything where the PCs are the Antoganists, the people doing the actions and not the ones resisting the actions.
Also, you could just talk the players. Some groups just want to
kill people and take their stuff defeat the bad guys and right wrongs.
Also i had a question about how the spellcasting system works. The spellcaster in the group has 5 conviction and 5 discipline, does this mean his highest spell without taking consquences is an 8?
Plus any Focus Items and Aspects. Yeah.
But like BB said, it depends.