@character build;
Replace Ritual Crafting with Thaumaturgy...
As I said:
...and yes, I know I could build the character a bit more "optimized", that's not what I'm looking for though. I like the build, it's something to grow into.
Specifically I knew someone would tap that aspect of the character (pun intended), but it's for flavor. The character is young, 10 years old, she isn't highly trained in magic or thaum, she's just starting. Later, after I've hit a Major Milestone I'll pick up Refinement for more Item slots and shift Rituals into Thaum.
Yes, I see what your getting at, it's not where I'm going, nor where I needed help.
As for Feeding Dependency, anything she can eat is too much...
It's what my ST and I decided upon, as described earlier, also it better fits the Redcap feel.
Redcaps and other such don't eat emotions, thoughts, etc, they eat things.
Literature is full of Fae that do such things - the Leanansidhe is even in the Dresden Files.
Is a Sidhe, not a Redcap, boggart, goblin, gnome, kobold, or other "type". I was looking for a "earthy" feel and Eating Lots Of Stuff fits. Eventually it might morph into a more specific "lots of stuff" flavor (along with picking up more Redcap packaged powers), but until then it's fine.
Do note that since you are not using mortal magic, the Laws of Magic have no effect on you.
The way my ST and I are looking at is this: When I'm pulling on the Sponsor, it's pure Fae magic, I'm just directing it. When I'm using my own (someday, in the future) it'll be Mortal magic, as I'm drawing it from my own Mortality.
The character is not a Fae, she is still "mostly" human, thus mostly mortal. Where the local Wardens will fall on this matter will be politics... and I'm aiming to avoid any wiff of spotlight time there.
Will I do it? Sure, the character is a bit sociopathic when it comes to puppy-kicking villians, she'll do "what's necessary"... of course the rest of the party are bleeding heart "no everyone can be saved" types so I'm sure fun and interesting times are ahead.
Last thing, your build specicifcally undercuts the number of Items I start with by 2 (or 4 enchanted)... so ... yeah.
The second should be a defensive item and since you're being unseelie and feeling vengeful, make it cast a Ward with strength 6. Since it will be a Ward, attacks that fail to penetrate it will get reflected on the attacker.
Okay, now we're cooking with sparklies. Hmmm... I like it. Let me reread the Wards section, but I do like it. Not the "vengeful Fae" aspect, but I like the "drop an area wide blocker" part. I'm filling the role of Party Meatshield (very small Meatshield*) so I like the "defend the party bit of this.
* I'm the "meatiest" of the group. Le sigh.