Author Topic: White Court and Circles  (Read 3115 times)

Offline Katarn

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White Court and Circles
« on: April 21, 2011, 02:13:58 PM »
Quick question: what would happen with a White Courtier and circles? Specifically:

*Could a wizard trap a WCV in a circle?
*Do WCV lose vampiric powers in a circle? (same question for passing into a circle)
*Can a WCV make a circle with their blood?

Any other contingencies feel free to cover.

Offline Haru

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Re: White Court and Circles
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2011, 02:22:40 PM »
I would say he could not trap him in a simple spin-around-blood-activate circle like toot, he would have to have something a lot more sophisticated than that. I wonder if a WCV would count like a Lou-Garoup, and you would need a circle like the one described in FM (1 layer for physical, 1 layer for spiritual and 1 layer for a mixture of them).

Ah, it reminds me of the scene in club zero.
Usually the WCV is as human as it possibly gets for anything on the weird side. So circle wise, they would probably be as affected as any human being. In times, however, when the hunger demon is close to the surface (while feeding or using a lot of their powers), they become a whole lot less human and more spooky, so in that case, a simple circle might actually work.

As for a WCV making a circle, I don't see why not. Usually though, they would not need a circle, because they can rip almost anything apart, that would be held back by a circle. And what they can't fight will probably not be impressed by a little circle anyway.
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Offline Saedar

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Re: White Court and Circles
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2011, 02:33:26 PM »
It may be bad form, but here's my thoughts.

It seems like there would need to be a special circle as Haru mentioned, in order to trap a WCV. It also doesn't seem like they would lose their powers, either. But then, I'm not sure if we have anything in the books for support.

It seems like it would be fine for a WCV to make a circle, assuming appropriate Lore declaration. So, I once again agree with Haru.

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Re: White Court and Circles
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2011, 04:32:51 PM »
That's where my thoughts lean too.

Offline BlackMage

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Re: White Court and Circles
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2011, 07:12:46 AM »
WCV seem to draw all of their power from within, from the Hunger, rather than without.  It's mentioned in some books that just trapping beings dependent on ectoplasm to form a body will lose cohesion and fall apart if you put a circle up around them.  So yeah, even if a specialized circle like MacFinn's in play and make it work I am guessing there will just be a pissed off WCV, fully powered, waiting inside.

I was thinking, with the somewhat fluid rules of spellcasting in play would there be a way to rig up a circle that actively drains the power from the target inside, in addition to trapping external power away from them?  That seems like it would be more effective, excepting that if you left them inside too long the Hunger would drive them into a mad feeding frenzy.

Offline Tedronai

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Re: White Court and Circles
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2011, 07:25:45 AM »
WCV seem to draw all of their power from within, from the Hunger, rather than without.  It's mentioned in some books that just trapping beings dependent on ectoplasm to form a body will lose cohesion and fall apart if you put a circle up around them.  So yeah, even if a specialized circle like MacFinn's in play and make it work I am guessing there will just be a pissed off WCV, fully powered, waiting inside.

Not that the WCV would be able to exert that power over anyone/thing sitting outside that circle...

I was thinking, with the somewhat fluid rules of spellcasting in play would there be a way to rig up a circle that actively drains the power from the target inside, in addition to trapping external power away from them?  That seems like it would be more effective, excepting that if you left them inside too long the Hunger would drive them into a mad feeding frenzy.

Probably best represented for complexity calculations as a re-fluffed Heart-Exploding-Spell
it takes a bit longer take effect, from which you can probably squeeze an aspect tag, but the end result is going to be either a hefty set of consequences or a full taken-out result, depending on how long you stick them in there for (or whether they manage to break out early)
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Offline BlackMage

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Re: White Court and Circles
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2011, 08:32:42 AM »
Exactly, assuming you get a circle set up around the WCV that actually works, it'll protect you from what's inside.  But it won't stay in there forever, and unlike a Loup Garou it isn't going to turn back into a less threatening/potentially grateful human.  It's still gonna be a full powered WCV.

Which is where my idea came from, something that does everything the above discussed circle can do while also lowering the energy reserves of the WCV's Hunger, making it weaker and easier to deal with the longer its inside.  But yeah, either way I'm sure specialized circles would be required to hold someone from the White Court, a plain old circle they'd walk right through.

Offline Tedronai

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Re: White Court and Circles
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2011, 09:06:42 AM »
The second circle, the one constructed to contain/exclude material beings, would probably suffice to contain the WCV, but would leave you (and anyone else in the vicinity) still susceptible to the vamp's 'mental whamy'.
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Offline Wolfwood2

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Re: White Court and Circles
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2011, 04:34:06 PM »
The second circle, the one constructed to contain/exclude material beings, would probably suffice to contain the WCV, but would leave you (and anyone else in the vicinity) still susceptible to the vamp's 'mental whamy'.

If they have the upgrade to do it at a range greater than touch, that is.

Offline Tedronai

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Re: White Court and Circles
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2011, 09:39:46 PM »
If they have the upgrade to do it at a range greater than touch, that is.

Of course.
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