Author Topic: any Nephilim players out there?  (Read 6075 times)

Offline Valarian

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Re: any Nephilim players out there?
« Reply #15 on: April 23, 2011, 09:14:25 AM »
Well obviously they would be suseptible to Holy Oil. . .
(Anyone who gets the reference ears 50 geek points.  Which you can turn in for a smug look. . . )
Supernatural ... holy oil is the devil's trap for angels  ;D
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Offline hank the ancient

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Re: any Nephilim players out there?
« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2011, 05:40:24 AM »
the wrestling thing is an interesting angle. I know Jacob pulled it off; maybe wings result in increased risk of separated shoulders or something.

Offline Mal_Luck

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Re: any Nephilim players out there?
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2011, 07:57:33 PM »
the wrestling thing is an interesting angle. I know Jacob pulled it off; maybe wings result in increased risk of separated shoulders or something.

On wings being a weakness, several Marvel characters that are angel-like have some of their powers tied to their wings. Notably Angel/Archangel (Warren Worthington III) and Icarus (Joshua "Jay" Guthrie). So the angel's physical wings as part of their weakness might be interesting.
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Offline jadecourtflunky

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Re: any Nephilim players out there?
« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2011, 01:40:01 PM »
I think the Angel's wings were tied to his powers because the wings were his powers.... he never lost the other aspects of his powers (Light bones and high-altitude breathing).
Maybe for a player character, a basic inhuman set with the catch unholy stuff for the toughness and recovery. Give him wings and some true believer powers and he's ready.  Still, that's submerged, so maybe it's possible to drop the strength power to lower it a few power levels. It all depends which angel is their parent. If it's a weak one, then they won't be that strong for their powers. If it's the archangel michael, then they're going to be heavy hitters.

Offline Tedronai

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Re: any Nephilim players out there?
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2011, 02:01:30 PM »
If it's the archangel michael, then they're going to be heavy hitters.

Or not as far along in coming into their power.
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Offline Mal_Luck

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Re: any Nephilim players out there?
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2011, 04:39:22 PM »
I think the Angel's wings were tied to his powers because the wings were his powers.... he never lost the other aspects of his powers (Light bones and high-altitude breathing).
I was more talking about their (Warren and Jay) healing powers. :P

Though I'm not as familiar with Warren, after Jay had is wings surgically removed he couldn't regenerate anymore. I think something similar happened to Warren.
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Offline sandchigger

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Re: any Nephilim players out there?
« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2011, 09:54:14 PM »
... you mean when he was transformed by Apocalypse into his new Death Horseman? Yeah, that was similar.
I may well be silly, but I am never moronic.

Offline jadecourtflunky

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Re: any Nephilim players out there?
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2011, 10:12:54 PM »
Kinda. He never had the power to regenerate, so it took appocalypse to make him into one of his horsemen. I'm not as familiar with Icarus...

Yeah. That could happen as well. It's a great idea for a long-term campaign.


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Re: any Nephilim players out there?
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2011, 11:59:06 AM »
No kind of standard, but here is my interpretation:

Hannah Marie Martin
HC: Spellcasting Nephilim with Artistic Flair
TR: Reluctantly Daddy's Errand Girl
OA: Good Bad Girl, Bad Good Girl; Filled with Creative Fire; Of Snakes and Angels; I Know Enough to Get Into Trouble; Adam, My Very Own Bodyguard

Background: Growing up as a single kid with one parent is never easy, especially if its done in a big city. New Orleans is a big city and lots of partying goes on. Hannah's mother, Margaret, worked long hours which left Hannah alone. A Big Party City and a Lonely Kid with too much time on her hands is a definite recipe for disaster. So Hannah spent her formative years rambling around town, running with a bad crowd. She never did drugs but she got in a few fights, learned her street smarts and got out before she bottomed.

Phase Aspect: Good Bad Girl, Bad Good Girl

Rising Conflict: Hannah was always a creative girl. Art was her passion, music, painting, sculpting, she loved it. She grew up making things with her hands, things that expressed her soul in ways that word's couldn't. Imagine her surprise when the things she made took on a magic of their own, a magic known as Soulfire. That's when her deadbeat dad showed up, the Angel Remiel. She thought "So what if my Dad is an Angel, it doesn't give him the right to not be a father, and I don't have to show him any respect."

She may have been wrong about that. Remiel forced her to learn to control her abilities with a pitiless and grueling battery of tests and hours of study. Once she had adequate control he disappeared again.  

Phase Aspect: Filled with Creative Fire

First Adventure: A Hard Day's Night

Hannah is a creative soul and one of her passions is music. So it was no surprise that she was in the Vintage Guitar shop looking at a 1967 Gibson Les Paul when trouble came knocking. A creature strait of nightmares barreled through the door and began to frantically tear through the shop, apparently searching for something. Hannah has never been one to stand by when people were being hurt and monsters are running loose, so she took steps. Surprisingly she wasn't the only good samaritan at the shop that day. A man named Vashaki, someone she'd seen around the music scene, was also there and he helped beat back the creature.

This was only the first incident in which a store selling vintage musical instruments was ransacked. Hannah's friend gets on the case, seeking to do a story on the recent rash of break ins. With his help Hannah and Vashaki are able to discover what the creature is after, Pan's pipes, a powerful artifact of the wyldfae. Hannah and Vashaki enter into a race with the creature to find the artifact before it can put it to ill use, and finally the two manage to find it, and use it in a musical ritual, led by Hannah, to banish the creature back to the nevernever.

Phase Aspect: Of Snakes and Angels

Guest Star:
Hannah has to admit that she generally doesn't get along with Ghouls very well. She's okay with a little teeth but as soon as somebody starts trying to eat the flesh of her bones she starts with the explosions and such. So it surprised her when she met Alphonse, a ghoul who owns a butcher shop in one of the less regulated areas of the city, who seems to be a genuinely good guy.

So when warlocks and demons start plaguing the neighborhood of course Hannah cant stand by and do nothing. Can Hannah face off against a minor denizen of down below and survive long enough for Alphonse to take out the warlock behind it all?
Phase Aspect:

Guest Star Redux:

Phase Aspect:

5 Conviction, Lore,
4 Discipline, Performance
3 Athletics, Endurance, Presence
2 Alertness, Empathy, Rapport
1 Craftsmanship, Resources, Scholarship

Stress: P OOOO M OOOO S OOOO, +1 Mild Mental

Cost Power

-3   Evocation
-3   Thaumaturgy
-0   Nephilim's Constitution
-0   Whispers of the Divine*
-0   Human Guise
-0   -Aura of Light
-3   -Soulfire
*: Cassandra's Tears re-flavor.

Total Refresh Adjustment: -9

Evocation Specializations: Elements (Spirit, Fire, Air, Soulfire)

Spirit (+1 Control)

Thaumaturgy Specializations:

Crafting (+1 Strength)

Enchanted Items:

Silver Winged Ring: +6 Defensive Block or Armor 3 (Spirit Based) 3/session. (2 Enchanted Item Slots)

Adam: A Golem made with the aid of Soulfire, See below for Stats. (1 Enchanted Item Slot)

Potions(Like Items):

This Henna Tattoo is marked over the Crown Chakra and stored energy released into that chakra moves the marked into a state of samadhi (a meditative state allowing for better concentration).
Effect: The marked is far less distracted and better able to see to her tasks. The "Calm and Centered" aspect (sticky) is placed on her and can be tagged or invoked for effects relating to control, attention or investigation twice.

This Henna Tattoo is marked over the brows over the third eye. When activated the energy that pours into the Anja Chakra increases the marked's ability to see with clarity and intuition.
Effect: The marked is able to activate this to see through any 6 shift veil or glamour.

This Henna Tattoo is marked in over the heart Chakra in the middle of the chest. Energy flowing into this chakra stimulates healing and emotional well being.
Effect: The marked may activate this Henna Tattoo in order to recover from a physical or mental (emotion related) moderate consequence  as if it were a mild.

This henna tattoo is marked in around the navel. Activating it pours energy into the Manipura chakra with spread Prana (Vital Life) energy through the body.
Effect: The marked is more alert and able to ignore her exhaustion for a short time. This reduces the amount of mental stress casting an evocation does to the consumer by one (though this can't reduce it below the one-stress minimum), and temporarily suppresses up to six shifts worth of fatigue-related mental and/or physical consequences (they are still present, just unable to be tagged or invoked while the potion is in effect).


This spell warps light around the caster or his target in order to render them invisible from sight.
Type: Spirit Evocation, Defensive Block
Power: 5 Shifts, 4 for Effect, 1 for Duration
Control: Roll Discipline plus appropriate specializations and focus items.
Duration: Two Exchanges
Opposed By: An observer’s Alertness
Effect: Renders the caster invisible

Filari Impetus
This is a standard force attack spell.
Type: Spirit evocation, attack.
Power: 5 Shifts
Control: Roll Discipline, plus specializations and focus items, to control and as attack roll.
Target: One target in line-of-sight, inflicting physical stress.
Duration: One action.
Opposed by: Target’s Athletics skill, magical blocks, or some other skill as determined in play.
This spell crease a spherical dome of force which can block incoming attacks.
Type: Spirit Evocation, Defensive Block
Power: 5 Shifts
Control:  Roll Discipline plus applicable specialization and focus items.
Duration: One Exchange
Effect: Deflects an incoming attack. If overcome, it blocks.

This spell bends light away from the target, causing visual distortions.
Type: Spirit Evocation, Offensive Maneuver
Power: 5 Shifts, 4 for Effect, 1 for Duration.
Control: Roll Discipline plus applicable specialization and focus items.
Duration: Two Exchanges
Opposed By: Alertness
Effect: Places the aspect "Distorted Sight" on the target.