As I said in another topic, I'm new to the forums and the game. I've been lurking and reading, and I was wondering if you guys could rate the character I made for my groups campaign. I've played other RPGs before, but not FATE based systems.
Hektor Petrokles
High Concept: Olympian Emissary
Trouble: Family Business
Aspects: Desert Storm Veteran, Fact not Faith, [TBD]
Powers: Sword of Mars (Item of Power+2, War Touches All-1, Guided by Fate-2)-1, Olympian Magic-4, Marked by Power-1, Heroic Constitution-0
2 Great: Weapons, Lore
2 Good: Conviction, Endurance
4 Fair: Discipline, Guns, Resources, Athletics
4 Average: Presence, Rapport, Fists, Alertness
Items (

Shield Bracer (+6 Block or Armor 3 3/session)
Thunderbolt Ring (+6 Ranged Lightening Attack uses Weapons 3/session)
Stress Boxes:
Physical: 0000
Mental: 0000
Social: 000
Rote Spells:
Unlucky (2 Shift Maneuver to place "Unlucky" aspect on target)
Strike True (2 Shift Maneuver to place "Strike True" aspect on ally to grant bonus on attacks)
Inaccurate (2 Shift Maneuver to place "Inaccurate" aspect on target)
Glory (2 Shift Maneuver to place "Stature of a Greek God" aspect on spellcaster in social encounters)
Ability Descriptions:
War Touches All: -1
The wielder may gain a boost to its attack or defense roll by inflicting a mental stress hit upon itself, gaining a +1 for each point of stress in the hit. The bonus cannot be greater than the maximum length of the wielder's mental stress track. Alternatively, on a single attack the wielder may take a 2-stress hit to temporarily satisfy the “Catch” on the toughness abilities of a supernatural creature. Additionally if the wielder has Olympian Magic, he may incur this stress as debt to his sponsor. [This power is functionally a re-flavoring of the Sacred Guarding power found under the Temple Dog description and thus has the same Refresh cost]
Guided by Fate: -2
The wielder gains +1 to all Weapons rolls when using the sword in accordance with Mars' goals (this includes tue wielder defending himself). In addition, on a successful defense with Weapons, you may sacrifice your next action to turn that defense into an immediate and automatically successful attack. [This power functionally includes the Riposte Mortal Stunt and thus has a refresh cost of -2 rather than -1]
Heroic Constitution: -0
Functionally identical to Wizard Constitution but granted to the Emissaries of the Olympian Pantheon.
Olympian Casting: -4
You are able to cast spells of a deep and true nature, drawing upon the magics of the Olympian Gods. Due to the nature of this power source, it is less flexible in some areas than mortal spellcasting and is therefore subject to limitations. Channeling can only be used for curses and fating (maneuvers or blocks that place aspects encouraging a specific outcome such as "Inaccuracy," "Unlucky," "Doomed to die in Fire," or "Cursed by Traffic") and disguise and glory veils (which can hide identity or enhance appearance, mainly through veils or maneuvers as well). Ritual is similarly restricted and can be used for more powerful curses or fating, transformations (humans into animals with the gods taking care of that pesky biology), divination (primarily prophecy), and crafting (but no potions). Summoning and Binding can only be used on ghosts. The Olympians use items in order to throw around raw elements (Bag of Winds, Thunderbolt Javelins, etc). Like all Sponsored Casting, this grants four focus item slots for the above purpose.
I realize that the rote spells are rather useless, but didn't think that I could have rote spells that automatically put me in debt (which I would need to really have control over the three shift powers).