Author Topic: Evil For Evil's Sake  (Read 4777 times)

Offline kamilion

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Re: Evil For Evil's Sake
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2011, 08:32:50 PM »
But back on the topic of "is there Evil and Good" in the Dresdenverse, I think there is.  Dresden doesn't always recognise it when the forces of Good are moving but both absolutes exist in the books.  Then you have creatures like Mab, whose motivations are so obscure that she appears completely amoral.

The question isn't if there are absolute Good or Evil (though that is certainly an interesting debate, though probably more volatile), but rather a creature that is evil by nature, as viewed from human norms, capable of being other than evil; in other words, acting outside it's nature.

Put another way, can creatures of the Nevernever act outside their nature by their own volition, assuming there is no interference from an outside, mortal force.

Not looking for canon answers, more opinions on how you would do it in your personal Dresdenverse, and why or why not.

Offline kamilion

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Re: Evil For Evil's Sake
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2011, 08:40:01 PM »
... can creatures of the Nevernever act outside their nature by their own volition, assuming there is no interference from an outside, mortal force.

In my game, I'd say no. Spirit creatures, including faerie and anything wholly of the Nevernever, are locked into what they are, barring the outside agency of a mortal entity or a creature of greater power capable of altering their natures. Basically, they are permanently compelled by their High Concept.

Now, Jim B. has said that at the core of all faerie is a spark of a mortal, so I imagine they are more malleable than, say, a demon or a pure spirit (such as Bob), unless that demon or spirit was, by it's nature, malleable. Fun!

I do not, incidentally, see this as a component of Refresh, since a mortal with negative Refresh could still alter aspects, act outside their nature, etc, though not initially (can't buy off the first few compels, and should basically be self-compelling, but then could start working on it).

Offline evileeyore

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Re: Evil For Evil's Sake
« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2011, 01:43:00 AM »
I wonder if Mab is just a little bit more open with Harry about just how Machiavellian she is, possibly as a part of her continuing efforts to recruit him.

The best manipulation is to show the victim every single way in which they can be manipulated and then let chose which they prefer.

It's the choice that's the lure and the trap.