Yeah I'm still trying to get to grips with the game mechanicy stuff

especially the magic because I'm used to spirit of the century which does things differently.
So taking the standard faerie magics As a shape;
The fisher kings boon may be use as an element for evocation, allowing any evocation spell effects that encourage the creative, inspirational, and inventive mental processes. This includes the ability to produce effects along the lines of psychomancy (see of 286ys)
In place of the effectiveness down grade against the apposing courts, the boon grants a crafting specialisation of +1 strength, thereby negating the usual -1 drop that occurs when a magical item is created for the use of some one else. - as typically the Fae will be making the enchanted item to give to a mortal they are 'inspiring' rather than using it themselves.
(Would it be too much of an 'extra' to give additional +1 strength to any healing potions or effects? - I'm not totaly clear on the game balance here.)
As the power being channelled comes from the fisher king the 'debt' aspect will most typically take the form of a temporary madness or hallucinations (Which is why so many great artists and thinkers are 'a bit touched') In some cases this may be applied to the mortal being inspired rather than the Fae if that would
make more trouble for the player be more game appropriate

(In some ways this is quite cool as it is allowing me to being back in the Fae inspiring mortals which was a big part of how they worked in the original PBeM. Technically this does make them all lawbreakers (3th law) but I'm unclear if that 'matters' if you are a faerie, because YS implies the laws of magic only apply to 'human wizards'.)
Getting crunchier?
I'm guessing most of the magical items will the things that give bonuses to skills such as
craftsmanship (the brush to paint a masterpiece)
investigation (a questing magnifying glass that draws the eye to the vital clue)
Performance (The enchanted guitar)
Presence (
Badge or Orc impressing, there are probably better examples but it's after midnight and my brain is shutting down)
Rapport (Emma's broach)
Scholarship (something to give the scientist a nudge in the right direction and make the break through they need)
Would that work?