Inhuman powers are definitely appropriate for crafters.
I disagree. DFRPG recommends against taking powers you can as easily duplicate with your casting. Allow (say) Earthcrafters to cast spells giving themselves temporary aspects like (say) "Stone Strength," with the methods and speed of evocation (or of thaumaturgy, for a barn-raising). Tag to do extra damage, or lift things, or whatever you can think of Strength as helping with. Compel to lose access when lifted off the ground.
Similarly, an Aircrafter could cast a spell for a temporary flying aspect, taggable to attack from another direction or to chase over difficult terrain. Salt attacks are a compel to fall.
More broadly, counter-elemental attacks can be modeled as a compel against the furycrafting aspect. If (say) Amara is buried in sand, she loses access to her furycraft and gains a Fate Point. (If instead she bought off the compel, perhaps the person burying her would forget to dust her face, and she'd retain access to her fury.)