1) Get the RPG books.
2) Read the RPG books.
3) Get very confused and come to the Forum. (You are here.

4) Read the
Sample Combat and get a bit less confused.
After that, it's really a hands on process. Fate is very hard to learn dry, but gets really easy once you see it in action. There's a "
Newbies ask the darnest things" thread, and that's only the most recent of its kind. You can either add to that or open your own thread for questions you have specific to you and your game, if you like. As bobjob said though, you'll get a lot of different opinions, because the game can be played in a number of different ways. In the end, you'll have to find your own.
What all in involved in world building/character creation? The only experience I have is running a few one shot campaigns for dungeons and dragons. Are there set templates for everything or is it more abstract and not overly number crunchy?
Pretty abstract. Some people like to build their city entirely before they play, others set up the characters and put things in when they come up. Others do both.
If you go for a oneshot to try things out, I would go with something ready made, either by yourself or use one of the
premade adventures. Especially "Neutral Grounds" or "Night Fears are designed as beginners adventures.
Once you've got a feel for it, it'll be easier to determine what you'll need in your group.
I know this is all very vague, but it heavily depends on the group, so the best you'll get is a help to help yourself.