I respectfully disagree. Running YOUR kind of Dresden files game might not be for everyone, but I'd say that most gamers could definitely use the DFRPG and enjoy it.
What do you mean my kind of Dresden Game? Dresden with many concepts is about power and depending on the level run you can get extremely powerful characters.
I have never had an issue getting players for my games. People love how I run. I am story first and system second. Always have and always will be. I like extensive backgrounds and Dresden System covers that in CC.
Now not all GMs no matter what their desire cannot run some games. Sometimes it just is not their style.
Let me give you an example of what I mean.
One of my buddies could run the hell out of a Werewolf:TA and D&D game. He had two very successful long run games, however, whenever he ran something like Champions, Star Wars or Shadowrun. He could not do it. He loved the books and had them all but no matter what he did his games were never successful.
He would go back to his D&D or Werewolf: TA games running new campaigns he was fine and he had long games once again.
Someone else (me) came in and ran Champions, I was extremely successful. However when I tried running D&D, I failed. D&D. I would go and run Mage: TA or Star Wars and I was successful again. Yeah, I cannot run D&D to save my ass. So laugh but it is true. I also never had a successful Werewolf: TA game unlike my friend the other GM.
In my friend's games his D&D and Werewolf: TA, I did great and had a lot of fun in the games he ran. When he ran something outside of what he was good at he would fall on his face. He played great in the games I ran but could not GM them.
Why everyone has strengths and weaknesses as a GM. Some people are stronger and better run one game than they are another. It sucks but it is true.
Just like players cannot play every game genre and game system either.
I believe to my core that some games are not for all people. Some can play them. Some can GM them. Some can do neither. Some can either just GM or run a game genre.
I have seen someone take a Game System no one says could be run and turn it into a beautiful game that we all enjoy. I have seen GMs put together great games but the players themselves could not handle it. I have seen GMs falling on their face as the players are all doing a great job. I have seen the whole thing fall apart even on a game that is suppose to be easy to run.
It takes the GM and the Players not just the System.
For Dresden Files RPG, my gaming group in Aurora could handle it, because we were that kind of group. We were together for over a decade.
My group in Kingman was more a hack n slash group that just did not like in depth character creation and would never have sat around to build the city the game was taking place in. They would not have understood the game yet we had many great games we played!
My current group in the Gallup/Grants area, we are so into building the City of New Orleans that we are having another game session to finish it up! We are all very into it. I am actually a player in this one ( a rarity because all my friends keep pushing me to run). We already cut our teeth on my old campaign and now we know what we are doing this time around.
The Dresden RPG does change a lot of the traditional ways of building a game and for the better.