Author Topic: Mechanics Question: How do you shut down a magic user?  (Read 4958 times)


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Re: Mechanics Question: How do you shut down a magic user?
« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2011, 10:29:13 AM »
Easiest way is with a red court vampire/white court vampire using addictive saliva/incite emotion to attack their mental stress track. After a few hits the wizard wont have the juice (mental stress boxes) to put up much resistance.

Offline mostlyawake

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Re: Mechanics Question: How do you shut down a magic user?
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2011, 03:12:27 AM »
My bad.

You can truly block either the CONTROL roll or the TARGETING roll, or both, based solely on your description of your action.  However, often the targeting roll is the same as the control roll. (Example, harry's fire spells.  One discipline roll to control and target them.)

Differences would be a spell with no targeting roll (affects caster, for example; a typical self-buff), or an enchanted item use (no control, but would have a targeting roll if affected).

Truly, MACE IN YOUR FACE as a tag could affect damn near any roll. Alertness, Guns, Weapons, Athletics... you know, anything you need to see for.

What you can't do is- if something manages to have both a control roll and a separate targeting roll - use the same invocation of the tag on both.  You're going to invoke it against one action to cause it to fail.  If the GM invokes it separately, that's cool and the GM's choice. But once you use the tag, against any roll, your free tag is up.  I mean, you could try to spend a fate point to invoke the aspect against the next roll, but most GMS won't let you use tag the same aspect twice in a row like that.

Offline Blackblade

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Re: Mechanics Question: How do you shut down a magic user?
« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2011, 03:18:59 AM »
I've found that the easiest way is for a White Court Vamp to use Incite Emotion as a block, while feeding.  It should significantly dampen their ability to cast, and as a bonus, it will start to deplete their mental stress track.