You've stated that before in this thread, but I agree. Maneuvers are a perfectly decent way to represent it, but not necessarily "better". Maneuvers generally inflict short term effects, while attacks inflict longer lasting consequences which can't be removed by a counter-maneuver. The intent of the attack is not to merely put the enemy "off balance" so we can hit them with another attack - it's to make them unable to physically function (i.e. to be Taken Out).
Fair enough, I think this is a particular example where we simply have a fundimental disagrement over the rules, dangerously close to putting us into a 'No Real Scotsman" situation. While I would defend that Maneuvers do lead to being unable to function (if nothing else than by adding 2 to later damage rolls or opening the door to compelling for damaging effects) due to Vertigo's inability to cause permanent physical effects I don't feel that it is well represented by a Weapon attack, especially by a Weapon attack with a value greater than 2.
[quoteDrunkenness is a physical condition, generally opposed by Endurance. I don't understand why you think it would attack the Mental track, and the consequences described were clearly Physical, not Social. Also note that it's only recreating the physical effects, not the alcohol itself (although I admit I don't know what part of alcohol poisoning actually kills you - is it the alcohol or the endorphins?)[/quote]
Exhaustion is also a physical condition generally resisted by Endurance but is still listed as an example under the Mental stress track. Similarly I could easily see in a social conflict at a bar using a Rapport maneuver or attack to inflict Sloppy Drunk or A Wee Bit Tipsy on someone. That being said, as I stated earlier in this thread, even with a physical attack high levels of alcohol in the blood can be lethal.
Vader arguably got "nicked" on his side during ROTJ (let me do a little Googling... And just because we don't see it doesn't mean that a light saber couldn't "nick" someone. Why do you think the Light Saber attack isn't well represented by the system? What about my description doesn't fit the system? How is it different from, say, a Warden Sword or a Sword of the Cross?
Fair enough, but still I feel that DFRPG is in-ideal for representing light sabers, and beyond that we're talking about taken out results and if you hit someone with a light saber you will likely kill them. In the example of Luke getting his hand cut off, I think that's a Concession after an Extreme (or perhaps even Severe or less since it was fixed in the next scene) consequence.