As far as the question of the OP is concerned: Take 'em and dive in headfirst if you can justify it even tenuously! (Or not, I'd take the chance even if nothing in my aspects remotely seemed plausible. "I, uh, don't know what happened. I just had this crazy urge..."

I'm very firmly in the camp of "know the rules (inside and out) but never let them get in the way of a good time"
That said, I'd probably connect this at least somewhat to the rules, since it can be so easily done.
Personally, I think I'd probably phrase it as a compel of several aspects at once, but I wouldn't be limited by the escalation rules if it really was intended to be a major, earthshaking decision.
In case offering four fate points didn't spell that out clearly enough, I'd be sure to warn the player that this must be a monumental decision and that even with just a dark alley before them they should be aware that there is a world of hurt -or at least a world of weird- waiting for their PC down it!