Author Topic: Villainous charecters.  (Read 1583 times)

Offline Moriden

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Villainous charecters.
« on: February 17, 2011, 12:17:10 AM »
Over the years i have observed that i have a certain flair for making memorable antagonists, so i'm creating this thread as a place to put some of them. thus making them available to anyone who would like to use them. Requests for general or specific types of evil characters are welcome.
Brian Blacknight

Offline Moriden

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Re: Villainous charecters.
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2011, 12:19:25 AM »
This character was made from the vague concept of what a character who has had a denarian coin for their entire life might look like. Though it works equally well as a scion of any number of demonic types.

High Concept:  Im a demon.
     Trouble:  A beast I am, Lest a beast I become  
Other Aspects
Soul of a demon
With an iron fist
Trust me
Even evil has standards

Skills [/35] Max Superb /+5     apex skill: Conviction
5 Superb      [2] Lore, Conviction
4 Great        [2]   Discipline, Deceit                                                                                                  
3 Good        [2]   Presence, Scholarship                                                                            
2 Fair          [3]   Empathy, Fists, Intimidation,                                                  
1 Average    [5]   Endurance, Athletics, Rapport, Burglary, Might                                                                  
0 Mediocre   [13] Guns, Stealth, Contacts, Craftsmanship, Driving, Performance, Resources, ,Weaponry, Survival, Investigation, Alertness,

Stress  Tracks          +1 minor Mental consequence from Conviction
Physical  OO/    Social  OOOO     Mental  OOOO     Hunger OOOO

Minor +2           Moderate  +4        Major  +6      Extreme +8

Stunts & Powers    
   Capacity 10                   [-9]             Available Refresh: 1
Hellfire                              -4
Immunity “Mortal Women”    -3  +2 only against womens unarmed, not women +2, easily researched +1.
Cassandras Tears                -0        
Incite emotion                     -1   “Trust”  
Human Form                       -1       +1, +1 involuntary: only on Women, Feeding Dependency Sex +1
                                                      Inhuman Strength -2,  Addictive Saliva -1, Emotional Vampire Lust -1    

« Last Edit: February 17, 2011, 01:50:03 AM by Moriden »
Brian Blacknight

Offline Moriden

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Re: Villainous charecters.
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2011, 12:24:10 AM »
This was made as a thought experiment to show what the warden in a game im playing in would look like if she ended up being corrupted by the ideals of an anamilistic body mod cult. She was originally a fencer with little skill in magic who had dreamed of being a warden for most of her life.

High Concept: Alpha Female  
     Trouble:  The world in flames
Other Aspects
I am the Sword
Echoes In The Wind
Neat And Precise
The World as we make it

Skills [/33] Max Superb /+5     apex skill: Weaponry
5 Superb      [2]  Fists, Athletics
4 Great        [2]  Discipline, Stealth                                                                                                  
3 Good        [2]  Endurance,  Lore                                                                          
2 Fair           [3]  Alertness,  Conviction                                                
1 Average    [5] Empathy,  Rapport, Presence, Scholarship, Performance,                                                        
0 Mediocre  [14] Guns,  Contacts, Craftsmanship, Driving, Investigation, Resources, Deceit, Burglary,  Might ,     weaponry, Survival, Intimidation  
   Languages known: English, Latin

Stunts & Powers    
   Capacity 10                   [-5] Intentionally a creature of nature            Available Refresh: 1
Thaumaturgy                                    -3     +1 Veils    
The Sight                                         -1
Autumn Magic                                   -3  
Cloak of Shadows                              -1
Human guise                                    -0      
Claws                                              -1
Pack Instincts                                   -1
Feading dependency “Lust”                 -5           Inhuman Speed  -4, Inhuman recovery  -2  
« Last Edit: February 17, 2011, 01:45:26 AM by Moriden »
Brian Blacknight

Offline Moriden

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Re: Villainous charecters.
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2011, 12:48:14 AM »
Jasha Scheolderson
Originally one of the rare people born with an instinctive understanding of a type [biomancy] of magic Jasha fell in with an animalistic Wyldfae/Outsider cult in his late teenage years. The cult managed to survive undetected for a few years due largely to the distraction of the red court white council war. Jasha was one of the few who didn't either die or end up horribly deformed from the wardens inevitable response and the cults own reckless use of trans-formative magics.

High Concept:  Sorcerous Scion of the Old Way
     Trouble:  The oblivion war  
Other Aspects
Disproportionate Retribution
I protect what's mine
"And what rough beast, its hour come round at last"
Heart of a Wolverine
Ancient Fae Mask

Skills [/35] Max Superb /+5     apex skill: Lore
5 Superb      [2]   Lore, Conviction
4 Great        [2]   Discipline, Scholarship                                                                                                    
3 Good        [2]   Endurance,  Presence,                                                                            
2 Fair           [3]   Intimidation*, Empathy, Fists                                                  
1 Average    [5]   Athletics, Rapport, Survival*, Investigation, Alertness
0 Mediocre  [13] Guns, Stealth, Contacts, Craftsmanship, Driving, Performance, Resources, Deceit , Burglary,  Weaponry, Might,
   Languages known: English, Ancient Sumerian, Etruscan, Latin, [Greek?]
Stress  Tracks                                                                              
Physical  OOOO    Social  OOOO     Mental  OOOO     Hunger OOOO

Minor +2           Moderate  +4        Major  +6      Extreme +8
Minor [Mental]

  Alternate form  
5 Superb      [2]   Fists[+1], Athletics
4 Great        [2]   Investigation,Alertness                                                                                                  
3 Good        [2]   Endurance, Conviction,                                                                            
2 Fair           [3]  Survival* Might [+3], Lore                                                
1 Average    [5]  Presence, Stealth, Intimidation*, Discipline, Scholarship
0 Mediocre  [13]  Guns,  Contacts, Craftsmanship, Driving, Performance, Resources, Deceit , Burglary,  Weaponry,    Empathy, Rapport,
   Languages known: English
Stress  Tracks                  Armer 1 Physical                
Physical  OOOO     Social  OOO     Mental  OOOO    Hunger OOOO

Stunts & Powers  
   Capacity 10                   [-9]             Available Refresh: 1
Thaumaturgy                    -3     +1 Magic items: Complexity.
The Sight                         -1
Soulgaze                          -0
Supernatural recovery         -1   Easily researched, attacks against the soul +3
Human Form                      -2     Feeding dependency: Meat/Blood +1, Base +1
   Beast Change                  -1
   Echoes of the beast*        -1           +1 Survival, +1 Intimidation, Dark-vision, Speaks to predatory animals.
   Inhuman Strength           -2
   [External Powers]
Item of power                    -2 [Psychometry -1, Sponsored Magic -3.]
Enchanted Items  
1EIS  Enchanted Item: "Silver Piercing Crown Set"   Block 6 or Armor 3 vs Mental       1/Game    
1EIS  Enchanted item: "Torso and arm tattoos"       Block 6 or Armor 3 vs Physical     1/Game  

Focus Items
1FIS  Metal piercings going up the left arm +1 Power: Autumn magic: Offensive
2FIS  Ancient Fae Mask +2 Autumn Magic; Control: Offense  

Jasha's Force lightning
Emerald lightning shoots up from the ground to be gathered in/along Jasha's Bracer's which he then channels at an enemy target.
Type: Earth, Evocation, Attack
Power:  6 shifts
Control: Discipline + 2 [6]
Duration: One Attack
Effect: Emerald lightning is hurled at an enemy

Emerald lightning shoots up from the ground to be gathered in/along Jasha's Bracer's.
Type: Earth, Evocation, Maneuver
Power:  6 shifts
Control: Discipline + 2 [6]
Duration: Scene
Effect: Gain two free tags on the aspect Lightning Charged.

Circle of Earth
Type: Earth/Autumn Court, Evocation, Maneuver
Power:  6 shifts
Control: Discipline. +2 [6]
Duration: Scene
Effect: Create the aspect Casting circle which can be tagged twice, or a block 6 ward vs one target who is standing on the ground.

Poping claws
Type: Biomancy, Offensive, Maneuver
Power:  4 shifts
Control: Discipline. +2 [6]
Duration: Scene
Effect: Grow weapon rating 4 claws.
Notes: This is a thaumaturgical biomantic affect at evocation speeds. This will often be used at the same time as he activates inhuman form.

Common rituals used.

Strength of the Deep Earth  [given a rote slot]
Type: Thaumaturgy, Biomancy/Sponsored Magic  
Complexity: [15]   Strength 12 Block or 6 armor against any harm that would not be sufficient to shatter a mountain or otherwise destroy a equally large concentration of stone, as long as some part of you is in contact with the ground.
Duration: A week
Effect: Block or Armor 12, Duration [2], is armor 6 for duration.

Accomplished via: base lore of 5 .   Ritual bloodletting to consecrate the area to my purposes [minor consequence] +2, Circle carved into the ground by magic. [rote spell carving the  earth] +4, Only works if some part of you is touching the ground/and has cacth. +2. [restriction], minor consequence taken [patterns carved into skin +2]

True Rituals known

Dawnrunning - Invocation of the horned god.
In the twilight hour between night and day the ritualist must hunt, and kill a prey animal [usually a dear] using nothing more technologically advanced then a spear. The ritualist must cleanse themselves of the taint of the modern world before the ritual begins.
Type: Thaumaturgy, Biomancy/Sponsored
Complexity:  Duration [0 base for thaumaturgy is a day [2 shifts being used to extend the ritual to a few days in this case. Resulting in the negative aspect Noticed by the Fae], and strength [21].  complexity ritual
Duration: until the next sunrise, effectively 23 hours. Accepting a negative aspect*** would push the duration to a few days, but likely mess with your mind [via said aspect].
Effect: Enhance senses, instinctual response's, and physical acuity granting the ability to Tag any combination of thee aspects Strength of the Earth, Speed of the Deer, Enhanced Senses, and Feline reflexes up to 7 times. Or with Story teller permission you can use these aspects in the place of fate points to pay the cost for temporary power-boosts following all applicable rules as outlined in “your world”.
Variations: A summer magic, and wyld court sponsored magic version of this ritual very likely exist. Most versions of this ritual very likely inflict consequences upon the caster along the lines of Feral Urges, and Noticed by the Fae.
Notes: This spell will very likely attracts the attention of the Erlkenieg, and possibly the summer queens as well.

Accomplished via: base lore of 5. Ritual cleansing of self to remove the taint of the modern world [conviction assessment +2], Going into the night, [seclusion for a night in the “wilderness” [Survival assessment] +2, Don't sleep [endurance]], +2, Take nothing with you beyond...[+2 restriction], Ritual dear hunt to invoke aspect of the horned god [Survival assessment +2],  Prayer for the dears soul, thanking it for its sacrifice [lore assessment +2], 1 minor physical consequences taken Exhausted [+2], Accept the negative aspects Feral Urges, and Noticed by the Fae. [+4] [23 total]

*** "negative aspects are simply my way of referring to a point of sponsor debt being baked into the ritual.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2011, 01:49:02 AM by Moriden »
Brian Blacknight