Also, thinking of another Stunt(s); "Gunslinger" or "Quick-Draw Artist" or maybe even another for "Trick Shot Artist"?
The idea is to reflect somebody who can draw and fire quickly and accurately in the first round of combat and only slightly less so in subsequent rounds
option 1: Gunslinger [-1]; Your ability to draw and shoot from the hip accurately are legendary; With a one-handed and holstered handgun you gain +2 to your initiative for the first round of combat and +2 to your attack roll. In subsequent rounds this drops to +1 Initiative and +1 to your attack.
option 2: Gunslinger [-1]; Your ability to draw and shoot from the hip accurately are legendary; With a one-handed and holstered handgun you gain +2 to your initiative for the first round of combat. In subsequent rounds this is replaced by a +2 to your attack.
Both of these are really overpowered for a mortal stunt. Consider that a mortal stunt for being a blade master only gives a +1 to your attack with a sword. Maybe a +2 with a very specific, named weapon.
I think for option 2 if you made the attack +1 after the initiative bonus, that would be borderline but ok (with 1 very specific gun it could be +2). It would also be awesome.

The idea behind being able to dodge Magic is that it is limited to only attacks that can be seen. You can curve the shot all you like but if the character can see it coming in he can have the chance to avoid it. Not saying its going to be easy but it fits the flavor of using the Kata in a world with magic-users.
No, it really doesn't.
The Gun Kata in equilibrium was a learned series of movements to dodge attacks based on the probability of where they were coming from, when, and from what vectors. It had nothing to do with visually dodging at all.
Dodging an attack is athletics whether one has a gun or not.
My version added +2 to athletics because it would not make any sense for an out of shape person to be making weird poses and dodging much of anything. It would make sense that the gun kata would stack on top of athletics. The more lithe and athletic the person, the more effective the gun kata would be (like in the movie).
Lastly, who says that magic attacks have to be visible? Heck, who says that they even have to originate from you? Using levitation, one could fling at rock at the gunslinger from /behind/ him. There's no probability in that. There's no predictability. How do you predict lightning?
Adding +2 against magic for "gun kata" in my version is actually fairly generous in my opinion.