Author Topic: Gun Stunts  (Read 9943 times)

Offline Ren

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Gun Stunts
« on: February 14, 2011, 06:32:24 PM »
I've looked through and found a number of Gun Stunts in the Resources section that I happen to like but I'm trying to come up with some workable stunts for a character I am working on. Here's what I have so far;

[-1] Two-Gun Mojo; can make a Second attack with an off-hand weapon as a Supplemental Action with the penalty applying to both attacks. An additional Supplemental move action can be taken but it will impose an additional -1 to all actions

[-1] Double Tap; May add half of the base Gun damage against one target on top of the regular damage

[-1] *Gun Kata; may use Guns instead of Athletics for Defensive Tests against Physical Damage attacks (Fist, Weapon, Gun or Magic) but not Social or Mental attacks

*Yes the name is Borrowed from "Equilibrium" but its a fun movie!

This is not a Gun stunt but an option I allowed in my Campaign was a 1-time offer to spend a Fate Point to get some extra Skill Points. I figured I'd put it here as an additional "stunt" of Sorts.
[-1] Extremely Skilled; +5 Skill Points
« Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 06:33:56 PM by Ren »
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Offline My Dark Sunshine

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Re: Gun Stunts
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2011, 06:44:59 PM »
This is not a Gun stunt but an option I allowed in my Campaign was a 1-time offer to spend a Fate Point to get some extra Skill Points. I figured I'd put it here as an additional "stunt" of Sorts.
[-1] Extremely Skilled; +5 Skill Points

That seems highly overpowered to me. Most stunts confer 2 shift bonuses, or similar, many with various conditions that have to be met.

[-1] Two-Gun Mojo; can make a Second attack with an off-hand weapon as a Supplemental Action with the penalty applying to both attacks. An additional Supplemental move action can be taken but it will impose an additional -1 to all actions

Again, I'd say this seems a tad overpowered. I'd create it more like the two-weapon fighting stunt for weapons; adding half the base rating of your second gun to your overall weapons rating.

It'd look more like:

[-1] Double Tap; May add half of the base Gun damage against one target on top of the regular damage

Just subtly different, with a different flavour. This stun seems much more balanced.

[-1] *Gun Kata; may use Guns instead of Athletics for Defensive Tests against Physical Damage attacks (Fist, Weapon, Gun or Magic) but not Social or Mental attacks

Potentially balanced, but you might want to add a more specific condition. Although not necessary, its borderline-balanced already, but an added condition might just ensure that fact; or perhaps I'm simply worrying too much.

Just my thoughts. Interesting concepts for the stunts though.

Offline Ren

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Re: Gun Stunts
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2011, 07:36:40 PM »
I think you're right about the Skill thing...didn't think of it in terms of the total it added...8P
I had intended it to be an option for players of Pure Mortals to get a few extra skills...I will have to re-visit that now...

I originally had the Two-Gun Mojo written up like Two-Weapon Fighting which made sense, I just wanted it to be a little different.
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Offline My Dark Sunshine

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Re: Gun Stunts
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2011, 07:46:02 PM »
I originally had the Two-Gun Mojo written up like Two-Weapon Fighting which made sense, I just wanted it to be a little different.

Perhaps something like:

Two-Gun Mojo [-1] By targeting a different opponent with each of your guns, you remove the need to quickly move your gun around, preventing the loss of accuracy from such an action.

When you make a spray attack designating two targets, you do so at a +2 to the attack, before its result being divided. You apply the weapons rating from your primary gun to the first target, as per usual, however the weapons rating applied to your second target is that of your 'off-hand weapon'.

Now. This could arguably also be applicable when targeting 2 or more opponents. Another thing to look at is the bonus. I think +2 is justifiable due to the conditions specified, but if you broaden the criteria, lowering it to +1 may be necessary. The latter bit about weapons ratings to each target seems to fit the intent.

Just a possibility, or you could work upon your pre-existing idea. I'd be interested in seeing the end result of what you come up with.

Offline Drachasor

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Re: Gun Stunts
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2011, 08:43:59 PM »
These generally seem on the level of Weapon stunts.  The book advises that weapon stunts should be stronger than gun stunts.

Offline Howl

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Re: Gun Stunts
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2011, 08:59:58 PM »
Interesting gun stunts. Extremely skilled is overpowering, but the other stunts are well done. I actually created a Double tap stunt also a while ago:

[-1] Double Tap; add +1 to the weapon rating of a gun you are using.

The Gun Kata stunt is awesome. Equilibrium is a very fun movie ;D
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Offline Seb Wiers

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Re: Gun Stunts
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2011, 11:54:33 PM »
I dunno, Gun Kata seems a bit to good.  It seems like it potentially lets you avoid buying a range of skills that over-all are already less combat effective than Guns.  Can any other single combat (or other mundane) skill defend against all physical attacks (Fist, Weapon, Gun or Magic), assuming you have a 1 refresh stunt?  If not (or even so), without costing something for each use it seems to easy.  Requires a fate point?  Counts as your next action?  Uses up all your ammo?  Seems like there should be SOME cost per use besides just the refresh.


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Re: Gun Stunts
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2011, 12:57:10 AM »
Their is lore stunt In the books that grants exactly this AND it includes social defenses, considering this a way less useful version of that I'd call Gun Kata perfectly fair.

Offline crusher_bob

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Re: Gun Stunts
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2011, 01:07:09 AM »
The thing with lore is a power.  Most notably, if you have that, you lose the +2 bonus for being plain mortal.  That's why point for point, powers give you more oomph per point of refresh.

Offline Piell

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Re: Gun Stunts
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2011, 01:22:07 AM »
Their is lore stunt In the books that grants exactly this AND it includes social defenses, considering this a way less useful version of that I'd call Gun Kata perfectly fair.

What lore stunt (or power) would you be referring to?

Offline Saedar

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Re: Gun Stunts
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2011, 01:24:17 AM »
I know of a conviction stunt... No lore stuff.


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Re: Gun Stunts
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2011, 01:35:31 AM »
The thing with lore is a power.  Most notably, if you have that, you lose the +2 bonus for being plain mortal.  That's why point for point, powers give you more oomph per point of refresh.

Most supernaturals to get an equivalent can have an IoP to regain the bonus so long as it is appropriate for their concept.

Offline admiralducksauce

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Re: Gun Stunts
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2011, 01:40:29 AM »
I thought Shot on the Run was a stunt carried over from SOTC that Kincaid has.  It's the exact same thing as Gun Kata; use Guns to defend against physical attacks.

Although I might be wrong, I don't have the book in front of me.  Anyhoo, you could also just limit it to using Guns to defend against ranged attacks rather than melee (citing it using Athletics' trapping of ranged defense).

Or have 1 stunt, Shot on the Run to defend against ranged, and then have Gun Kata as a second stunt limited to defense against melee attacks.

EDIT: Kincaid doesn't have what I thought he did.  I still stand by my last suggestion, though. :)

Offline wyvern

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Re: Gun Stunts
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2011, 01:47:06 AM »
Their is lore stunt In the books that grants exactly this AND it includes social defenses, considering this a way less useful version of that I'd call Gun Kata perfectly fair.

The ability you're referring to is a Power, not a Stunt - and is arguably not correctly priced or appropriate for PC use anyway.*  In point of fact, if you look over the examples for creating your own stunts, "Gun Kata" is literally the textbook example of a stunt that's too powerful and needs some limitations.

* footnote: I've argued that point in the past, and I'm aware that a number of people will disagree; your mileage may vary.  I suggest consulting with your GM before assuming that any Power outside of YS is legal for your game.

Offline fantazero

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Re: Gun Stunts
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2011, 01:53:45 AM »
How about

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