Author Topic: Guest List For A Vampire Ball  (Read 2915 times)

Offline bibliophile20

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Guest List For A Vampire Ball
« on: February 12, 2011, 11:58:19 PM »
My local RCV is getting promoted to Baron and I need to stock the guest list.  Timeline is seven months before Changes, power level is Submerged.  The Baron-to-be has a mild beef with some of the PCs (they embarrass him by calling him by his mortal name) but he's an immature figurehead; the real power of the court is a RC-Infected mob boss who is also the wizard's father.  So, with that out there, I'm looking for suggestions for stocking the guest list.
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#12. If the seemingly helpless person you have just cornered is confident and unafraid despite being outnumbered and surrounded, you have encountered a Hero in disguise. Run while you still can.

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Offline Saedar

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Re: Guest List For A Vampire Ball
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2011, 12:42:44 AM »
I think this would partially depend on how well-known it is that he is merely a figurehead. If he doesn't have much real Power, he would probably be hard-pressed to get guests like Bianca had at her ball.

That said, it is still a rather important event, politically. Perhaps some of the Powers might send delegates or champions in their stead (lesser dragons or mortals for Ferro, low-ranking members of other Courts, etc). Also, it might make for some fun drama if more of the Powers take Daddy Raith's example and send "offensive" representatives, like he did with Thomas at Bianca's ball.

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Re: Guest List For A Vampire Ball
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2011, 12:54:55 AM »
I think this would partially depend on how well-known it is that he is merely a figurehead. If he doesn't have much real Power, he would probably be hard-pressed to get guests like Bianca had at her ball.

That said, it is still a rather important event, politically. Perhaps some of the Powers might send delegates or champions in their stead (lesser dragons or mortals for Ferro, low-ranking members of other Courts, etc). Also, it might make for some fun drama if more of the Powers take Daddy Raith's example and send "offensive" representatives, like he did with Thomas at Bianca's ball.
He's decently tough, but he's also fairly immature, and has only managed to get the horsepower behind a promotion due to the education he's getting from the mob boss, who is willing to go along with the fiction that this guy is in charge of the court they're putting together.  So, yeah, most of the major powers probably realize that he's a figurehead, so the point on offensive reps is a good one.  Got any suggestions? ;)

Beyond that, I'll put it this way: Picture a vampire fanboy turned vampire groupie turned vampire poser turned vampire cannon fodder turned vampire assassin.  That's this guy's life history.  And, yes, he has a leather longcoat and a katana.  :)  But, in his area of expertise--assassination--he's pretty damn competent, and has accomplished enough that they're throwing him a bone... figuring that the Peter Principle will get him killed while doing something useful at the same time. 
Tips for the Evil Henchman:
#12. If the seemingly helpless person you have just cornered is confident and unafraid despite being outnumbered and surrounded, you have encountered a Hero in disguise. Run while you still can.

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Offline Saedar

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Re: Guest List For A Vampire Ball
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2011, 01:03:24 AM »
White Court: Maybe an enslaved mortal, rather than actually sending someone of the blood.
Black Court: Don't even bother. Maybe a severed head or something as a joke.
Red Court: Since you said that they take him kind of seriously (if also entirely expendable), maybe Ariana comes along for the ceremony.
Ferro: A lawyer. Maybe a particularly weak lesser dragon.
Winter: A pixie trickster or somesuch.
Summer: A pixie trickster or somesuch.  ;)
Marcone: Maybe Marcone actually sends someone important to try and hedge in with the other mobster, expanding his power base, as a relatively recent signatory.

That's about what I've got right now. Thoughts?

Offline bibliophile20

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Re: Guest List For A Vampire Ball
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2011, 01:14:17 AM »
White Court: Maybe an enslaved mortal, rather than actually sending someone of the blood.
Black Court: Don't even bother. Maybe a severed head or something as a joke.
Red Court: Since you said that they take him kind of seriously (if also entirely expendable), maybe Ariana comes along for the ceremony.
Ferro: A lawyer. Maybe a particularly weak lesser dragon.
Winter: A pixie trickster or somesuch.
Summer: A pixie trickster or somesuch.  ;)
Marcone: Maybe Marcone actually sends someone important to try and hedge in with the other mobster, expanding his power base, as a relatively recent signatory.

That's about what I've got right now. Thoughts?
White Court: good idea; I'm thinking Justine. Not of the blood, but just a mortal, and if she plays up the bubblehead act...
Black Court: I'm thinking a fine thrall with a renfield on a leash...
Red Court: Nice idea.  More Ariana is always good.
Ferro: I like.  Especially since the mob boss is also a lawyer.
Fairie: I'm thinking changelings... :)
Marcone: I like. 
Tips for the Evil Henchman:
#12. If the seemingly helpless person you have just cornered is confident and unafraid despite being outnumbered and surrounded, you have encountered a Hero in disguise. Run while you still can.

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Offline Saedar

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Re: Guest List For A Vampire Ball
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2011, 01:26:35 AM »
Happy to help! I love this game...

Though, do Black Court really do fine thralls? My mind may be blanking on something but it seems like they mostly deal in rough thralls and Renfields.

Offline bibliophile20

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Re: Guest List For A Vampire Ball
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2011, 01:32:59 AM »
Finer thralls, I guess.  Maybe dub them Igors; damaged but still borderline functional.
Tips for the Evil Henchman:
#12. If the seemingly helpless person you have just cornered is confident and unafraid despite being outnumbered and surrounded, you have encountered a Hero in disguise. Run while you still can.

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Re: Guest List For A Vampire Ball
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2011, 04:41:54 AM »
Depends on the location:

*RC- hosting
*WC- White King? or house head
*BC- most powerful one in the region
*JC- shadowy sole representative
*Summer- a Lord, like Lea or Talos
*Winter- see Summer
*Spring/Autumn- if applicable, lower level Sidhe than Summer/Winter

*White Council- strongest wizard from nearest city
*Marcone- only if he has plausible reason to be in a city- then send Gard or a decent NPC in.
*Archive- not present
*Denarian- no show?  (or 1 incognito)
*Representative of Vadderung
*a Dragon
*rep of Vlad?

Offline bobjob

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Re: Guest List For A Vampire Ball
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2011, 05:27:37 AM »
From the suggestions so far, I'm getting the feeling that your campaign is set in Chicago.

I would suggest this is a great time to introduce new power players that will probably come into play later on.

RC - Ariana is good, although I'd personally branch out. Since it's an advancement function, you'll certainly need someone higher up the food chain, since the way I understand it, the newly advanced needs to feed on blood from a higher up.
WC - You'll probably need a head of a local house or one of their heirs. Maybe even a daughter of the King.
BC - If there are any in the region and have ties to the RC like Mavra did with Bianca, I'd throw them in just for the creepy factor.
JC - A lower functionary. I don't imagine JC has much of a power base in the States.
Fae (Summer/Winter/Spring/Autumn as applicable) - A Sidhe or a Knight. Maybe even one of the Ladies
White Council - Since at 7 months before Changes the war is still in full effect, I would probably skip this one
Freeholding Lords - Any of the Freeholding lords you want to introduce into your campaign. By Freeholding, I mean Drakul, Marcone, etc.
The other Gods - Representatives of Vadderung, Ra, Shiva, etc. Maybe one or two forgotten gods similar to how they did things in American Gods.
Denarian - If you can work up a reason why one would be there, go for it. They seem to be the type who would only go if it suited their goals to do so.
The entire Red Court was taken down by the new Winter Knight? From the lowliest pawn all the way up to the King? *puts on sunglasses* Knight to G7. Check mate.

Shale Buckby