Author Topic: Playing Spirit of the Century - Your Experiences  (Read 23192 times)

Offline Corbin DeBec

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Re: Playing Spirit of the Century - Your Experiences
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2007, 08:13:14 PM »
well to those who want to compare notes or see how the game goes before buying here's some things we're doing.  I won't take up much use of this forum going over everything at once so this time, I'll show my aspects and how they came into play, anyone want a explination of a aspect I don't go into please let me know but i'll try to briefly descirbe how i see them.

Prince of thieves: grew up running number for mob, earned rep as fair and honest among criminals

Tough as nails: street life is hard, let me reroll defense with fate point spent

Bringer of Vengance: patron was murdered anytime i feel someone needs vengance I use this

Tommy gun of Holy Justice: when ya kill a villian who killed a preist you may come away with a rightous attitude and blessed machine gun.  works like weapons of destiny if it was a gun but did add it in the stunts.

Bring em back alive: will try to bring all allies back to safety alive

Satans bell hop:  Will not accept a concession from some I know or think is evil, this also came into play i'll explain later

Closer you get the bigger the hole:  us fate point here to reroll attack in same zone

Trust the man infront of you:  anyone on the "team" I will trust to do their job

What this button do ray: spend fate point to ask ray gun if I'm gonna do something stupid with science involved.

Science blows up good:  spend fate point to reroll atempt to destroy something "science/mechanical"

Well a good example of fate use and aspect is this, we're looking into the missing scientist, and who should stroll up but Dr Methuselah himself, well the GM pushed a poker chip to me aka fate point and says satans bell hop you know he's evil, which made me very hostile toward the doctor, after the verbal exchange I tossed a chip back and said, bring em back alive, so I didn't have to stray from character cause shooting the evil dr in the back would most likely not only get me but my comrades killed.  And a cool scene was toward the end Doctor Methuselah made a comment about figuring my equation and waved his hands my machine gun of holy vengance fell apart.  I tossed a fate point back calling the aspect of the machine gun of holy vengance and said, "i got friend in high places" and the gun reassembled and came back to my hands.

Ok how's them apples.

Spirit of the Century Character, Mike "The Cashier" Green aka Cash Green
Holding "The Tommygun of Holy Vengance"

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Re: Playing Spirit of the Century - Your Experiences
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2007, 12:48:32 AM »
Received my copy of Spirit of the Century Thursday, and I've only had a chance to glance through it. It looks pretty good at first glance, and I find the size of the book interesting.

Once I've had a chance to read through it (probably in the next week or so) I'll have a better idea of it, in general.

I might be able to give it a play through in a month or so, so I'll have a bettr handle on it.

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Re: Playing Spirit of the Century - Your Experiences
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2007, 01:26:47 AM »
Received my copy of Spirit of the Century Thursday, and I've only had a chance to glance through it. It looks pretty good at first glance, and I find the size of the book interesting.
Interesting-good, interesting-bad?
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Re: Playing Spirit of the Century - Your Experiences
« Reply #18 on: April 08, 2007, 07:14:51 PM »
Interesting-good, interesting-bad?

Interesting-good, actually. It's size makes it easier to hold and read, since it's comparable to the general size of hardback books.

One of the problems I've encountered, over the three-odd decades I've been involved with RPGs, is that the larger books are harder to hold and read while sitting in a chair or laying in bed. The size of SotC is much easier to handle, especially with having to use progressive lenses these days.

Offline Corbin DeBec

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Re: Playing Spirit of the Century - Your Experiences
« Reply #19 on: April 08, 2007, 07:25:09 PM »
I agree and those nice glossy hard backs cause you to cringe when someone spills a drink on them or they scratch up the cover.  Soft back just looks well used as it degrades lol
Spirit of the Century Character, Mike "The Cashier" Green aka Cash Green
Holding "The Tommygun of Holy Vengance"

Offline Corbin DeBec

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Re: Playing Spirit of the Century - Your Experiences
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2007, 12:26:12 PM »
We're playing again monday I'll be running this one and will lay out the details of the adventure since I made it up but would be nice to hear from some other games anybody got anything to share.
Spirit of the Century Character, Mike "The Cashier" Green aka Cash Green
Holding "The Tommygun of Holy Vengance"

Offline Rel Fexive

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Re: Playing Spirit of the Century - Your Experiences
« Reply #21 on: April 14, 2007, 10:28:40 PM »
My game finally started, and so has the "actual play" thread.

Protagonist Press Presents...

I literally started each character in the middle of their own adventure, in media res, without any explanation at all, and then me and the player worked out a few things as we went before they got 'scooped'.

Next time, people will meet up!  Honest!
THE DOCTOR: I'll do a thing.
RIVER SONG: What thing?
THE DOCTOR: I don't know. It's a thing in progress. Respect the thing!

Offline finarvyn

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Re: Playing Spirit of the Century - Your Experiences
« Reply #22 on: April 18, 2007, 01:45:33 PM »
Interesting-good, actually. It's size makes it easier to hold and read, since it's comparable to the general size of hardback books.

One of the problems I've encountered, over the three-odd decades I've been involved with RPGs, is that the larger books are harder to hold and read while sitting in a chair or laying in bed. The size of SotC is much easier to handle, especially with having to use progressive lenses these days.
I had a similar thought. When I first got the book, I had the impression that it was too small and too thick. The more I read it I find the opposite to be true.
1. The font size is comfortable for us visually-challenged readers.
2. The size is similar to a traditional hardback novel and is really neat, whereas most hardback RPG books are more magazine-sized. SotC fits neatly in a hand, but most RPG books need to be balanced somewhat.
3. The thickness is just an added bonus.

Really, I'm hoping that DFRPG is a similar font size and book format. That would make me very happy.  ;D
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Offline Corbin DeBec

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Re: Playing Spirit of the Century - Your Experiences
« Reply #23 on: April 18, 2007, 02:35:39 PM »
We played monday and well after finding out what happened at Va Tech living in VA I followed that story for the last couple of days anyone connected with a student or family there I offer my deepest sympathy.

 Ok about the game

I ran the typical mummy's curse type story.

The players were asked by Howard Carter though the Century Club to escort some items to london, he wanted it done descreetly since he feared members of the Egyptian Government may want to claim the treasures for Egypt.  The actual Tomb of Tut has not been opened, these are items found in a chamber before the descovery of the hidden Tomb.

The train station, the items are taken from downtown cairo to the docks via train, Ray Gun and Dirk Cloak are told my a nervous little man named Jake Ringfold, not to approach the items on the train but to take the breifcase with the invoices and tickets for the train and the tickets on the steam ship to england, he didn't want the name of the contact in england to be descovered so he tells them he wants to write it down for fear someone is listening, he Gets D writen before his eye's widen and he falls to the ground dead with a dagger in his back.  The two hero's search the crowded train station and Dirk rolls very  well and see's the assasin trying to escape he pursues and a battle breaks out, dirk is struck with a poison dagger, and "feels the burn" he manages to wound the assasin and the assasine flee's Ray gets a shot off but the thickness of the crowd causes him to miss.  The poison is what I call Egyptian Curry a mild acidic mixture and is easily treated will cause for a endurance roll till the dagger is removed and the wound is cleaned.

The docks while boarding the ship, a talk with the captain reveals to our hero's that the captain hadn't a clue to the value of his cargo and that with a slip of the tounge by Ray he may not be one to trust.  One of his crew members seems very thrilled there may be a valueable cargo on board.  While walking on the ship they hear a conversation by two passengers on a deck bellow on the outside about a translation saying a bone dagger being the key to controlling him and they must find it and they need to report to the hellfire council.  The Players try to sneak into the cargo to find it is now gaurded by a big crew member, so they wait for night fall and sneak in through the cargo hatch finding the night watch man asleep, they find the body of the previously mentioned crew member sealed in a crate with a statue of large dog headed man, it's anubis but he's a red herring kinda.  Well they find the bone dagger not wanting to touch it I compelled Dirks flashes of evil and he grabs the dagger and keeps it with him, they use one of rays gadgets to escape the cargo hold and return to there rooms, they wake up to a storm a dead crew with locust spewing out of them and intranced passengers chanting ANORGLA, who cause one of the two mystery people to fall to his death and the other they rip her apart, they jump down to the next deck below and lock the door leading up to the upper level, they retreive the bone dagger and find when  they draw it out the storm stops after returning to the cargo hold and fighting mummy minions, so they leave it out and go back on deck to find confused passengers and a royal navy ship coming to aid the now crewless ship.

In England they Meet Dr, Sinclair, D for doctor or not he he he, who manages to get the port athourties to release the cargo and it gets loaded onto two trucks, Because of space our hero's ride in the back with the large crate with anubis in it, minus the dead crew member who Sinclair left on the ship.  A hissing noise is heard and again endurance rolls are made.  Dirk manages to roll very much spin on trying to open the lock from the inside of the truck and has about ten shifts so he more or less takes the door apart, following the truck is a car with "Danny Fremont" coming to the rescue, D is for Danny.  After both hero's jump from the moving truck they are then faced with a gauntlet of machine gun fire as the trucks one minus it's back tires move away.  Guess Ray Gun never figured why I gave him a fate point before they got on the truck, he has a smells like a trap aspect. 

Ok the rest of the adventure they fight five more mummy minions at the truck with the flat tires that was left behind with some crates. 

When I run a game occasionally  i like to have something to physicly look at in the real world, I actually have a dagger with a skeleton hand holding a skull as the hilt, and the shieve is a column with skeletons at the base.  I had hidden a peice of paper with heiroglythics on it inside the base where the blade goes, the drawing of the blade didn't stop what was happening on the ship but the exposure of the paper inside to air did lol, i let both players examine the knife and not once all evening did they turn it upside down with the blade out, which NPC Danny fremont did and you should have seen the faces on the two players.  The translation was be cast from this world back to your own.  which destroys anorgla the god who was summoned at the museum just as the players arrive.

Resources I used

Hallmark, curse of king tut's tomb, I got Dr Sinclair, Danny Fremont, and the hellfire council from this movie
several english to heiroglythic translators.

Even though this is lengthy I did leave some things out so if you want to run something like this with your players contact me and i'll give you the spects on NPC aspects and how i had some things work.
Spirit of the Century Character, Mike "The Cashier" Green aka Cash Green
Holding "The Tommygun of Holy Vengance"

Offline Rel Fexive

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Re: Playing Spirit of the Century - Your Experiences
« Reply #24 on: May 06, 2007, 04:14:25 PM »
The "actual play" thread for the game I'm running has been updated a few times since the last.  The villain's nefarious scheme as been revealed!
THE DOCTOR: I'll do a thing.
RIVER SONG: What thing?
THE DOCTOR: I don't know. It's a thing in progress. Respect the thing!

Offline Rel Fexive

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THE DOCTOR: I'll do a thing.
RIVER SONG: What thing?
THE DOCTOR: I don't know. It's a thing in progress. Respect the thing!

Offline Corbin DeBec

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Re: Playing Spirit of the Century - Your Experiences
« Reply #26 on: June 04, 2007, 03:12:00 PM »
What type of cliff are they hanging over.   We're taking a pause summer is kicking our tail with cookouts and other events but have serveral idea's in the works.  If you guys can find it check out the hallmark movie "curse of king tut's tomb" set in 1921 or 1922 worth the watch and very pulpy
Spirit of the Century Character, Mike "The Cashier" Green aka Cash Green
Holding "The Tommygun of Holy Vengance"