Only if I don't see pictures.
I'd be honoured. 
Finally got around to painting it. I'll post a pic here if I can get my phone to take a decent pic. (The color isn't working at all - it's almost like a negative or something!)
ETA: OK, tried again with the pictures this morning. Same shirt, front and back pics taken in the same location, same lighting, within a minute of each other. The colors of the back are accurate, the colors of the front are clearly not. But here it is (slightly out of focus). The snow flake on the front is silver, as are all the little flecks on front and back, the lettering is baby blue. No idea what the deal is with my phone/camera.
ETA again: Got a little bit better pic of the front - but still not close to the actual color of the shirt. I have no idea what the deal is why the front looks like a different color than the back in the pictures. :/