Hmmm shirt quotes/references... ( I'll warn you that my quotes are limited due to the loss of the first 7 books

) Lets see I'd like a nice dark green shirt that says "Chlorofiend Removal Service" or alternately "Chlorofiend Exterminators" on it. lol As far as quotes:
1. Front - "Tonight you will be visited by three spirits, the ghosts of indictment past, present, and future." Back - "They will teach you the true meaning of 'you are still a scumbag criminal.'"
2. Front - Picture of Harry's Staff Back-"This end towards Enemy"
3. Front - EX 22:18 Back - "Ladies and Gentleman, we have a serial killer."
Well that's all I've got so far. Hopefully after I've rebuilt my collection I'll have some better ones.