Assuming this is the sort of thing you want to encourage, you could do it as follows:
You want to make a spray attack with fists, attacking several guys that are in the same zone as you. You can't usually make a spray attack with fists. Do you have a stunt that lets you do this? No? then make an aspect first that will let you tag it to make a spray attack. Narrate you spray attack as picking up one guy and hitting several other guys with him. As long as the mechanical results are the same, let the narration be as heroic as your table will stand.
Want to use a guy as a missile weapon to hit another guy in a different zone? Well, that has an actual different game effect, that just a spray attack with fists, so should be more complicated.
Are you strong enough to throw a guy as a missile weapon? That requires a might total of 7 or 8 (YS p 321)., Note that you could be using aspects to raise your might total here, if you don't have a very high base might. But it's much easier if you have strength powers.
Do you have a good enough grip on the guy you are wanting to throw?
That sounds like a grapple to me (YS p 211), especially since you want to throw him a considerable distance.
Make a spray attack (YS p 326) (weapons is the skill normally used to govern thrown weapons, but the GM might let you use fists instead) that targets the guy you are throwing and some other guys. Your non-thrown targets should all be in the same zone, unless you are stupidly strong.