Author Topic: Thaumaturgy Communication Ritual  (Read 5573 times)

Offline Wolfwood2

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Re: Thaumaturgy Communication Ritual
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2011, 11:06:32 PM »
What IS a limiting factor is the normal limitations of Thaumaturgy, namely that of a symbolic link. So you can't communicate with someone remotely if you don't have anything that is uniquely part of that person ... either an actual piece of him, like hair, or something that that person identifies with very strongly, like his 20 year wedding ring.

Other than that, the complexity of something like this is probably next to nil, like 2 or 3 maybe. Easily a single roll. This assumes the person isn't resisting. Otherwise, the minimum complexity would be (probably) their Discipline score plus two to compensate for Aspect usage.

Although if it crosses into the Nevernever, it might cost more, although I'm not sure.

Since you're establishing a visual link between the two sites, I'd definitely say Divination since you're seeing something that you wouldn't normally be able to see otherwise.

Ah, now that's actually very helpful.  It seems like the easiest way to do this would be to take a normal mirror, break it in half (so the two halves are sympathetically connected) and send the fae the other half.  Then they could talk through the mirror.  (Again, assuming reasons not to use a phone.)

Offline jybil178

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Re: Thaumaturgy Communication Ritual
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2011, 11:08:56 PM »
Hehe, yeah, that would be fine, and work out perfect.  I was just weirded out thinking about the normal trappings and confines of an Enchanted Item, and was infected with an uncontrollable twitch to my left eye :P

But as far as a spell goes, I kinda like the idea I've seen in some popular eastern wizard culture references.

The basic idea, is you write your target a letter, most likely in a ritual circle, with homemade ink, and specialized paper.  Upon completion of the ritualistic folding of your finished and dried message, the note takes the shape of a bird, and flies away to its intended target.

Only problems with this, is first, you'd need some way to choose a "target" for your spell.  Without any way to truly ground who the intended recipient is, a communication spell of any type would be difficult.  But maybe, because the spell isn't truly you going to the target, or finding any information about them what so ever, you could instead just whisper the "Known Name" of the target, with the image of the person you are trying to send it to, as well as your best attempts to "Name" it.  Maybe the magic could find enough of a connection that it might find its way...

Another problem though, being that all forms of wizardly folk are suspicious and paranoid, is the message may be caught or tampered with.  Another complexity addition of complexity could cause the spell to only be received and read by its intended target.
my 2 cents

Offline UmbraLux

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Re: Thaumaturgy Communication Ritual
« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2011, 11:47:43 PM »
I pretty much agree with infusco - complexity of one plus duration.  Some caveats:
  • Requires a link.
  • Won't penetrate even minor thresholds, much less wards.
  • Isn't secure.
  • Isn't certain (may be drowned out by magical static / noise).
To prevent the last two items, I'd add a ward to the ritual.  Item #2 simply requires more power in the base ritual...enough to penetrate whichever barriers it finds.
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Offline Warpmind

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Re: Thaumaturgy Communication Ritual
« Reply #18 on: February 08, 2011, 12:01:09 AM »
Clearly you've determined what the complexity should be, since items are duplicating effects that Thaumaturgy or Evocation could achieve.  What did you decide the complexity should be and how did you decide?

infusco pretty much got it. Far as I can tell from the rules, Complexity one plus Duration plus extra Power.
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Offline Kommisar

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Re: Thaumaturgy Communication Ritual
« Reply #19 on: February 09, 2011, 04:29:38 PM »
The kicker with this sort of spell are these three elements:

1)  Targeting
2)  Wards & Threshold
3)  Trust / Security

Anyone in the supernatural community is going to be aware of and take proactive measures to ensure that they are not easily targeted by long distance spells.  That magical message could just as easily be a trojan horse hiding an Exploding Head Death Ritual.  The sympathetically linked item is a far safer means for this very reason; you link to the item, not the being.  Think of it as a magical firewall.  So, unless this Fae is known to and VERY friendly with the PC wizard (and by friendly, I mean that he owes the wizard in a big way in some form or fashion) it will have to be through an item.  So, now the problem is getting the item to the target.  And even this posses a problem for a sufficiently paranoid Fae or wizard.  Which, by the fact that they are not dead, implies that they are indeed sufficiently paranoid.  After all, you could still target the item with a zone(s) effecting spell of some sort.

Wards would have to be pierced or bypassed if the target is behind them.  Sympathetic link helps a ton here.  Otherwise, you need to pump in enough shifts in the spell to break all the defenses that may be up.  Against a Fae middling at his home; expect this to be a hefty number of shifts.

Then there is trust.  How confident can either party be that they are indeed talking to the person they think they are?  This goes back to the sufficiently paranoid argument.

Finally, you wizards own security.  After all of the above, the wizard succeeds!  Hazzah!  Now, has the wizard also realized that this magical channel he has created is, indeed, a two way street?  I really hope that this Fae is indeed very friendly towards him (and, again, by friendly with the Fae I mean useful to his own machinations).  Otherwise, the wizard has opened himself up to all sorts of potential trouble.  While this connection is open, he might as well have given the target his true name!
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I would also like to reference another universe entirely and mention the Palantír from Tolkien's books.

So, as I see it, there is a good reason that you do not see much of this form of communication going on in the books.  And why the Wardens have a phone tree instead of something more magical.