"remember i loooooovvve feed back 
Main page; looks good, but an option for a different font that isn't script-based might be a good idea.
Default screen size is very wide, stretching off my monitor; shrinking the screen doesn't bring up scroll bars, which makes navigation difficult.
The stunts/powers list is good, but a place, perhaps a sub-page or alt-text, that could hold/display the exact details of the stunt or power would be a good idea.
An option on the dice roller to "lock down" a die for stunts that have that option would be good.
Places to note down armor, which stress boxes are granted from Toughness, Consequence type (M/S/P), and temporary Aspects would be good.
A secondary skill set field for wereform skill-shuffles would be a nice option.
The option for a Hunger stress track is useful; good job there.
Nice background; where did you get it from or did you make it yourself? I recognize a bunch of the fonts and magic circles from various resources I've accumulated myself over the years, but this is much more polished than I've been able to attempt.