Author Topic: Fan Created monsters  (Read 5920 times)

Offline bobjob

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Fan Created monsters
« on: February 04, 2011, 07:00:29 PM »
I'm curious what monsters and other creatures (demon, fairy, etc) that y'all have created. I'm getting ready to run a game and am looking for inspiration for some baddies that my players might not have read about the in the books (thus expanding the NeverNever for eveeeeeeeerybody's benefit).

So far all I've statted out are a few new Vampire Courts, but I'm currently working on orcs as well. I'd love to read some of yours if you'd like to share.

Jade Court – The very secretive major vampire court whose power base lies is in Asia, the Jade Court Vampires are chi and magic eaters, whether mortal, faith, or magical abilities that stem from the NeverNever. If a Jade Court Vampire is powerful enough, he can even eat a Wizard's Death Curse. Jade court Vampires are resistant to mundane physical harm, but once they take a mild consequence; they are no longer immune to physical harm until they heal.

High Concept: Jade Court Vampire
Skills: Vary by individual
Powers: Magic Eater (-1), Drain Magic (-1), Feeding Shield (-2), Supernatural Sense (-1; Smell Magic using Lore), Human Guise (-0), Feeding Dependency (+1; affects the following powers): Inhuman Strength (-2), Supernatural Toughness (-4), Inhuman Recovery (-2), The Catch (+4; Mundane weapons. Once they take physical consequences from mundane weapons, the Toughness goes away: they lose the extra stress boxes if they have a mild physical consequence and lose the benefits of the ability entirely once they've taken something moderate or worse)
Stress: Physical +4 (for Supernatural Toughness)
Total Refresh: -8

New Abilities:
Magic Eater (-1) - You can (and with Feeding Dependency, must) "eat" magic. Feeding on magic sustains you more fully than any other food might.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Conviction
Taste for Magic - You draw in ambient magical energy, serving a bit as a magical sponge. When a magically active being is close to you, you may draw on some of his talent and life force to sustain you. This is done as magical attack using your Conviction against their Discipline. If you have the Drain Magic ability, draining magic and feeding on it may be done as a single action, based on a single roll. On subsequent exchanges, if the magic user is still able to cast you may continue to feed, gaining a +1 on the roll.
The Taste of Death - Once per scene, if you inflict enough stress and consequences to kill a victim from feeding, you may take an immediate "free" recovery period equal to an extra scene. This will clear your stress track and mild physical consequences, and possibly larger consequences if you have any ability that lets you heal quickly.
Feeding Frenzy - When in the presence of magic, you feel a nearly uncontrollable urge to attack. The GM is within his rights to call for Discipline rolls to resist the urge. In some cases, the urge may take the form of a compel against your high concept.

Drain Magic (-1) - You are able to drain magical effects, either attacking a mortal caster's abilities or directly attacking supernatural beings of the NeverNever.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Conviction
Mana Drain - If you can touch someone with magical powers, you can drain their ability to access these powers. You're able to do maneuvers at +2 to your roll (using Conviction) that forces a magic drain on a target (as a temporary aspect), so long as you're in the same zone as he is and you can physically touch him. The victim defends with his Discipline. You may be able to prevent the victim from taking other actions as well if you do this as a block (page 210) instead of as a maneuver.
At Range (-1) - You may use this ability on targets up to one zone away without touching them.
Lasting Drain (-1) - If you increase the refresh cost of this ability by 1, you gain the ability to do a Mana Drain as a mental attack instead of a maneuver. If such an attack hits, you gain a +2 stress bonus on a successful hit (as though it were a Weapon:2), increasing the chances of inflicting a mental consequence (and thus a more lasting mental state). The victim defends with his Discipline
Potent Drain (-1) - The Lasting Drain upgrade is a prerequisite to this one. you get another +2 stress bonus on successful attacks as per Lasting Drain, as though you had Weapon:4.

Feeding Shield (-2) - This ability functions as a focused form of Evocation, giving access to an automatic rote block that works at the Jade Court Vampire's conviction. Any portion of a magical attack that is swallowed by this block is considered eaten and used to satisfy the Feeding Dependency catch
Ravenous Shield (-1) – A refinement of the Feeding Shield, for an additional 1 refresh, the rote block can be upgraded to block one additional power shift. Once the Feeding Shield has consumed a total of 8 refresh, swap it for Physical Immunity (Magic).

Amber Court – A minor vampire court whose power base originated in Ethiopia, the Amber Court only consists of roughly one hundred total members due to their unique biology. Thousands of years ago, the Archangel Raphael destroyed the physical form of a powerful spirit of Hunger. Sensing his demise, the spirit sent a huge portion of his power into an amber formation located in a cave. After several hundred years, the power of the spirit began to coalesce in the dreams of the spiritually attuned nascent magic users of the region, showing them how to replace a mortal heart with a piece of the amber to make them immortal and provide them with power. The first Amber Court vampire was created from a tribal king who wanted to control the power of the entity, thus creating the King of the Amber Court. The King was killed and his heart removed and replaced with a specially crafted chunk of amber stone in an elaborate ritual. Upon reawakening, he consumed his original heart which activated his powers for the first time. Amber Court vampires are reanimated dead who not only must eat hearts in order to survive, but gain their enemies special abilities.

High Concept: Amber Court Vampire
Skill: Vary by individual
Item of Power (+1) Heart of Amber affects the following powers:
Living Dead (-1), Pack Instincts (-1; can sense other Amber court through their Hearts of Amber), Spider Walk (-1), Feeding Dependency (+1; affecting the following powers): Mimic Abilities (-4; can be bought up to higher levels), Inhuman Strength (-2), Inhuman Speed (-2), Inhuman Toughness (-2), The Catch (+2; wounds from holy objects. Also dead is dead if you manage to remove and/or destroy the Heart of Amber)
Stress: Physical +2 (for Inhuman Toughness)
Total Refresh: -9

Grey Court – If you thought the Jade Court were enigmatic, try getting information on a vampire that can steal its very existence from your thoughts. Often referred to among their own kind as Takers, the first Grey Court vampire was thought to be a NeverNever entity that took over a deceased body, that is until it realized someone knew of its existence and fed on those memories. This enigmatic court is named, if anybody remembers to name them at all, after the grey mind fog that their abilities produce.

High Concept: Grey Court Vampire
Skill: Vary by individual
Powers: Living Dead (-1), Human Guise (-0), Thought Vampire (-1), Steal Thoughts (-1), Feeding Dependency (+1; affecting the following): Glamours (-2), Domination (-2), The Sight (-1), Gaseous Form (-3), Mimic Abilities (-3)
Stress: Depends on skills
Total Refresh: -14

New Abilities:
Thought Vampire – You are sustained by the thoughts of others, ravenously devouring the very essence that makes each person unique.
Skills Affected: Lore
Feeding Touch – Physical contact is where it’s at for a satisfying, long-term meal. When a victim is in the caught up in a powerful memory (usually easy for a Grey Court vampire using his Steal Thoughts ability), you may draw some of his life force out of him to sustain you. This is done as a psychological attack with an appropriate skill (usually Lore). If you have the Steal Thoughts ability, inciting the memories and feeding on them may be done as a single action, based on a single roll. On subsequent exchanges, if the memory is still in place you may continue to feed, gaining a +1 on the roll.
The Taste of Death – Once per scene, if you inflict enough stress and consequences to kill a victim from feeding, you may take an immediate "free" recovery period equal to an extra scene. This will clear your stress track and mild physical consequences, and possibly larger consequences if you have any ability that lets you heal quickly.
Feeding Frenzy - When in the presence of powerful memories, you feel a nearly uncontrollable urge to attack. The GM is within his rights to call for Discipline rolls to resist the urge. In some cases, the urge may take the form of a compel against your high concept.

Steal Thoughts -1 –
Skills Affected: Lore
Memory Loss- If you can touch someone, you can cause them to lose surface thoughts. You're able to do maneuvers at +2 to your roll (using Lore) that forces Memory Loss on a target (as a temporary aspect), so long as you're in the same zone as he is and you can physically touch him. The victim defends with his Discipline. You may be able to prevent the victim from taking other actions as well if you do this as a block (page 210) instead of as a maneuver. Alternately, if you can touch someone, you cause them to start remember things they may have been forgotten. You are able to do maneuvers at +2 to your roll (using Lore) that places the temporary aspect Memory Enhancer on your target. The victim defends with his Discipline unless they are willing to have their memories enhanced. The newly heightened memory can then be devoured if you are also a Thought Vampire.
At Range (-1) - You may use this ability on targets up to one zone away without touching them.
Lasting Drain (-1) - If you increase the refresh cost of this ability by 1, you gain the ability to do a Memory Touch as a mental attack instead of a maneuver. If such an attack hits, you gain a +2 stress bonus on a successful hit (as though it were a Weapon:2), increasing the chances of inflicting a mental consequence (and thus a more lasting mental state). The victim defends with his Discipline
Potent Drain (-1) - The Lasting Drain upgrade is a prerequisite to this one. You get another +2 stress bonus on successful attacks as per Lasting Drain, as though you had Weapon: 4.
The entire Red Court was taken down by the new Winter Knight? From the lowliest pawn all the way up to the King? *puts on sunglasses* Knight to G7. Check mate.

Shale Buckby

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Re: Fan Created monsters
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2011, 07:10:05 PM »
I like your vampires there all pretty good especially the Jade.
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Re: Fan Created monsters
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2011, 08:08:00 PM »
The following threads may interest you if you're looking for fan-created creatures:

Generic NPCs
Spare Character Concepts
random monsters
various more-obscure mythical creatures
redone Denarians
Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!: A Dresdenverse Bestiary
Harry's Stats as of Small Favor/Turn Coat plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions

Many of the creatures and people on those threads are canon (in name if not in stats), but many others are completely original. There's more than enough on those threads to populate an entire game.

Are you looking for feedback about your vampires?

Offline bobjob

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Re: Fan Created monsters
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2011, 08:15:36 PM »
Thanks for the suggestions on other threads to look. I'll definitely check those out.

As for feedback on my vampire courts, by all means, critique. They are by no means finished and I'm always willing to listen to feedback.
The entire Red Court was taken down by the new Winter Knight? From the lowliest pawn all the way up to the King? *puts on sunglasses* Knight to G7. Check mate.

Shale Buckby

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Re: Fan Created monsters
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2011, 04:29:48 AM »

The fluff looks great. My only suggestion is that you add something about each court's current operations.

As for the crunch:

The Jade Court vampires' catch is probably only worth +3 by the RAW, but I think +4 is quite fair. Drain Magic's basic function might be better modeled as a block against spellcasting. It should be made clear whether Drain Magic can be used to attack nonspellcasters. Also, a Physical Immunity to magic only costs 3 refresh. Makes Feeding Shield look pretty weak.

The Amber Court vampires' catch should only be worth +1 since they only have 2 refresh worth of toughness. The amber heart may not be appropriate as an IoP since it's part of the body.

Having Steal Thoughts block all actions might not be entirely fair.

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Re: Fan Created monsters
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2011, 08:03:40 PM »
The fluff looks great. My only suggestion is that you add something about each court's current operations.

Well, I did want to leave current operations a little vague so that they could easily fit into any spot into a campaign, but let me see what I can come up with.

Current operations of the Jade Court - Firmly entrenched in central China, the Jade Court has been run by the Dragon Emperor for time immemorial. Ruthless in his rule, Grandfather Dragon has kept his operations a secret through policies of silence and loyalty, traits that he has spread out to the Triads he controls through his four sons. More human appearing than any other vampire with the exception of the White Court, the Jades have a strangle hold on the government through lesser functionaries, some of which are Jade Court vampires and some of which have been blackmailed or intimidated into cooperating. With so tight a control over his realm and firmly knowing their powers and weaknesses, Grandfather Dragon has kept the White Council away from their affairs through a policy of sheer intimidation, a tactic made easier by the fact that the White Council's greatest asset is virtually useless against members of the Jade Court. Still, some contact must be kept between Signatories of the Accords, and their chosen liaison with the White Council is Ancient Mai. She has an unyielding grasp of the protocols for handling the Jade Court and has impressed them greatly with the creation of her Ward Hounds, sentient weapons that could easily be turned against the Jade Court's weaknesses. All of the Vampire Courts have been entreating the Jade Court to enter the Vampire War, but as they do not fear the White Council like the others do and since they already have the upper hand in an economic war against the rest of the world, the Dragon Emperor is content to sit this fight out.

Current operations of the Amber Court - As the smallest vampire court numbers wise, the Ambers have always been extremely careful before investing themselves in causes. Preferring to lord over his power base in the almost perpetually war torn Africa, the Amber King sees an opportunity in the Vampire War to expand his operations through the trading ports in Egypt to Europe and the Middle East. His seeming meekness in not branching out of Africa is what has kept the White Council of Wizards from engaging him directly thus far. The King has begun sending representatives to both the Red and White Courts offering assistance, and has entreated the Jade Court as to their position on the War. With both the Reds and the White Council under a ceasefire at the moment, it's only a matter of time before the Amber King truly decides which direction to lead his band in.

Current operations of the Grey Court - With no real internal power structure to speak of and the fact that they will feed on their own kind as readily as others, the Takers are islands unto themselves. Occasionally joining forces to take down powerful entities (the thoughts seem to taste better) mistrust and paranoia is the name of the game with the Grey Court. Other NeverNever entities will not entreat with them because they feed unscrupulously on any creature. It is known that at least one Taker has joined up with the Reds. If this is a ploy to get closer to the King to feed on his thoughts though, none could be certain. All  that is known is that the Red King refuses to be anywhere near the Taker, not knowing how far their abilities might reach. At least one Taker is also an active Venator, using his abilities to fight in the Oblivion War.

The Jade Court vampires' catch is probably only worth +3 by the RAW, but I think +4 is quite fair. Drain Magic's basic function might be better modeled as a block against spellcasting. It should be made clear whether Drain Magic can be used to attack nonspellcasters. Also, a Physical Immunity to magic only costs 3 refresh. Makes Feeding Shield look pretty weak.

I originally took their catch for the Hecatean Hag from OW61 and beefed it up a little bit because anybody could technically hurt these guys since the weapons are common, as long as they aren't using magic. I think +3 is pretty fair.

With Drain Magic, I like the idea of using it as a block. If it can be overcome, they can fire magic away at Jade Court, which can be soaked up by their toughness.

As for the Feeding Shield, I created that not taking the Catch into account, which would leave the base cost of the ability once catch is calculated at 3. Damn. I really liked that ability too. Maybe I can turn it into Armor against Magic attacks that can stack with the JC's toughness to make them Hell on Wheels vs Magic wielders.

Thoughts on that?

The Amber Court vampires' catch should only be worth +1 since they only have 2 refresh worth of toughness. The amber heart may not be appropriate as an IoP since it's part of the body.

For the toughness, you are correct. I should up their toughness to reflect the higher discount.

As for the IoP, if I think of them as the Coins, you are correct. They shouldn't be IoP. I'll rectify that in my next write up of their abilities.

Having Steal Thoughts block all actions might not be entirely fair.

How to write that up though? Maybe separate blocks against specific actions, like a block against magic, a block against physical, or a block against social. Separate it up, so that anybody having that used against them has a fighting chance.

Thoughts on that?
The entire Red Court was taken down by the new Winter Knight? From the lowliest pawn all the way up to the King? *puts on sunglasses* Knight to G7. Check mate.

Shale Buckby

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Re: Fan Created monsters
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2011, 11:05:30 PM »
I suggest requiring the invocation of an aspect to justify Steal Thoughts, as with a grapple. But your idea would also work.

I'll have to think about Feeding Shield. One refresh for 1 armour vs magic would be fair for a stunt, so a power might grant 2 armour vs magic.

Fluff looks good. I'd steal it if my game wasn't already plotted out.

So, can Drain Magic affect nonspellcasters?

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Re: Fan Created monsters
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2011, 11:52:34 PM »
It won't affect nonspellcasters. JC just can't feed on them. In order to control normal humans, they've resorted to the Tarkin Doctorine and economics, taking control of the Chinese government.
The entire Red Court was taken down by the new Winter Knight? From the lowliest pawn all the way up to the King? *puts on sunglasses* Knight to G7. Check mate.

Shale Buckby

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Re: Fan Created monsters
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2011, 12:04:41 AM »
In a way, this makes them both stronger and weaker than the White Court. Wizards fear them because they can eat magic, but ordinary humans could potentially hurt them.
The entire Red Court was taken down by the new Winter Knight? From the lowliest pawn all the way up to the King? *puts on sunglasses* Knight to G7. Check mate.

Shale Buckby

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Re: Fan Created monsters
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2011, 05:05:56 AM »
Here are the touched up stats.

Highlights of changes to Jade Court:
-Removed Feeding Shield ability, replaced by Physical Immunity to Magic.
-Changed wording on Catch for Supernatural Toughness and Inhuman Recovery. Lowered Catch refresh from 4 to 3.
-Reworked Drain Magic to replace Maneuver ability with Block against casting Magic. Block now satisfies catch for Feeding Dependency.

High Concept: Jade Court Vampire
Skills: Vary by individual
Powers: Magic Eater (-1), Drain Magic (-1), Supernatural Sense (-1; Smell Magic using Lore), Human Guise (-0), Feeding Dependency (+1; affects the following powers): Inhuman Strength (-2), Supernatural Toughness (-4), Inhuman Recovery (-2), The Catch (+3; Mundane weapons), Physical Immunity (Magic) -8, The Catch (+5, everything except Magic, including indirect attacks that are not actual magical energy).
Stress: Physical +4 (for Supernatural Toughness)
Total Refresh: -10

New Abilities:
Magic Eater (-1) - You can (and with Feeding Dependency, must) "eat" magic. Feeding on magic sustains you more fully than any other food might.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Conviction
Taste for Magic - You draw in ambient magical energy, serving a bit as a magical sponge. When a magically active being is close to you, you may draw on some of his talent and life force to sustain you. This is done as magical attack using your Conviction against their Discipline. If you have the Drain Magic ability, draining magic and feeding on it may be done as a single action, based on a single roll. On subsequent exchanges, if the magic user attempts to cast again, you may continue to feed gaining a +1 on the roll.
The Taste of Death - Once per scene, if you inflict enough stress and consequences to kill a victim from feeding, you may take an immediate "free" recovery period equal to an extra scene. This will clear your stress track and mild physical consequences, and possibly larger consequences if you have any ability that lets you heal quickly.
Feeding Frenzy - When in the presence of magic, you feel a nearly uncontrollable urge to attack. The GM is within his rights to call for Discipline rolls to resist the urge. In some cases, the urge may take the form of a compel against your high concept.

Drain Magic (-1) - You are able to drain magical effects, either attacking a mortal caster's abilities or directly attacking supernatural beings of the NeverNever.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Conviction
Mana Drain - If you can touch someone with magical powers, you can drain their ability to access these powers. You may make a special Block action against a magically attuned individual using your Conviction. Magic effects that do not beat your Mana Drain Block satisfy your Feeding Dependency, giving you an automatic +1 to your next Mana Drain Block (see Magic Eater).
At Range (-1) - You may use this ability on targets up to one zone away without touching them.
Lasting Drain (-1) - If you increase the refresh cost of this ability by 1, you gain the ability to do a Mana Drain as a mental attack instead of a Block. If such an attack hits, you gain a +2 stress bonus on a successful hit (as though it were a Weapon:2), increasing the chances of inflicting a mental consequence (and thus a more lasting mental state). The victim defends with his Discipline
Potent Drain (-1) - The Lasting Drain upgrade is a prerequisite to this one. you get another +2 stress bonus on successful attacks as per Lasting Drain, as though you had Weapon:4.

Highlights of changes to Amber Court:
-Removed Item of Power Heart of Amber. Amber Court vamps now gain their abilities similar to Knights of Blackened Denarius. Although the powers come from an object, it's small and hidden in their body giving it more fluffy context rather than a crunch one.
-Lowered refund on Catch of ability from +2 to +1.

High Concept: Amber Court Vampire
Skill: Vary by individual
Living Dead (-1), Pack Instincts (-1; can sense other Amber Court), Spider Walk (-1), Feeding Dependency (+1; affecting the following powers): Mimic Abilities (-4; can be bought up to higher levels), Inhuman Strength (-2), Inhuman Speed (-2), Inhuman Toughness (-2), The Catch (+1; wounds from holy objects.)
Stress: Physical +2 (for Inhuman Toughness)
Total Refresh: -11

Highlights of changes to Grey Court:
-Reworded Memory Loss ability from a Maneuver to a Block against skills. Upped refresh by -2 to compensate for how powerful an ability that could be.

High Concept: Grey Court Vampire
Skill: Vary by individual
Powers: Living Dead (-1), Human Guise (-0), Thought Vampire (-1), Steal Thoughts (-3), Feeding Dependency (+1; affecting the following): Glamours (-2), Domination (-2), The Sight (-1), Gaseous Form (-3), Mimic Abilities (-3)
Stress: Depends on skills
Total Refresh: -15

New Abilities:
Thought Vampire – You are sustained by the thoughts of others, ravenously devouring the very essence that makes each person unique.
Skills Affected: Lore, Conviction
Feeding Touch – Physical contact is where it’s at for a satisfying, long-term meal. When a victim is in the caught up in a powerful memory (usually easy for a Grey Court vampire using his Steal Thoughts ability), you may draw some of his life force out of him to sustain you. This is done as a psychological attack with an appropriate skill (usually Lore). If you have the Steal Thoughts ability, inciting the memories and feeding on them may be done as a single action, based on a single roll. On subsequent exchanges, if the memory is still in place you may continue to feed, gaining a +1 on the roll.
The Taste of Death – Once per scene, if you inflict enough stress and consequences to kill a victim from feeding, you may take an immediate "free" recovery period equal to an extra scene. This will clear your stress track and mild physical consequences, and possibly larger consequences if you have any ability that lets you heal quickly.
Feeding Frenzy - When in the presence of powerful memories, you feel a nearly uncontrollable urge to attack. The GM is within his rights to call for Discipline rolls to resist the urge. In some cases, the urge may take the form of a compel against your high concept.

Steal Thoughts (-3)
Skills Affected: Lore, Discipline
Memory Loss - You can touch a thinking creature and can drain their ability to access certain thoughts. You may make a special Block action against a thinking creature using your Lore targeting any of a number of skills (each attack only affects one skill, chosen at the time the block is created). Skill checks that do not beat your Memory Loss Block satisfy your Feeding Dependency, giving you an automatic +1 to your next Memory Loss Block (see Thought Vampire).
At Range (-1) - You may use this ability on targets up to one zone away without touching them.
Lasting Drain (-1) - If you increase the refresh cost of this ability by 1, you gain the ability to do a Memory Loss as a mental attack instead of a Block. If such an attack hits, you gain a +2 stress bonus on a successful hit (as though it were a Weapon:2), increasing the chances of inflicting a mental consequence (and thus a more lasting mental state). The victim defends with his Discipline
Potent Drain (-1) - The Lasting Drain upgrade is a prerequisite to this one. You get another +2 stress bonus on successful attacks as per Lasting Drain, as though you had Weapon: 4.
The entire Red Court was taken down by the new Winter Knight? From the lowliest pawn all the way up to the King? *puts on sunglasses* Knight to G7. Check mate.

Shale Buckby

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Re: Fan Created monsters
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2011, 07:05:03 AM »
I posted this in Spare Character Concepts as well, intended to be a PC in a spare convention game:

Sapient Gargoyle (Submerged, Monster)
High Concept: Sapient Gargoyle
Other Aspects: Fighting the Darkness Within; Quiet as an Owl; Patient Stone

Superb: Alertness
Great:  Endurance, Fists, Might
Good: Athletics, Intimidation, Stealth
Fair: Discipline, Investigation, Presence
Average: Conviction, Empathy, Rapport

Wings [-1]
Supernatural Strength [-4]
Catch (Weapons Imbued with a Priest's Blood - easily available but not commonly carried [+2], requires challenging research [+1]) [+3]
Supernatural Toughness [-4]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]

Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:

Option: Cathedral Defender Gargoyle

Superb: Alertness
Great:  Endurance, Fists, Might
Good: Athletics, Conviction, Stealth
Fair: Discipline, Intimidation, Presence
Average: Investigation, Empathy, Rapport

Wings [-1]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Righteousness [-2]
Holy Touch [-1]
Catch (Weapons Imbued with a Priest's Blood - easily available but not commonly carried [+2], requires challenging research [+1]) [+3]
Supernatural Toughness [-4]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]

Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:
« Last Edit: February 09, 2011, 06:34:57 PM by devonapple »
"Like a voice, like a crack, like a whispering shriek
That echoes on like it’s carpet-bombing feverish white jungles of thought
That I’m positive are not even mine"

Blackout, The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets

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Re: Fan Created monsters
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2011, 11:12:25 AM »
Priest's Blood - easily available ? I would put that at +1 rather than a plus 2 because it means a priest willing to give up his blood which is rarer than you think.
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Re: Fan Created monsters
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2011, 12:23:11 PM »
Priest's Blood - easily available ? I would put that at +1 rather than a plus 2 because it means a priest willing to give up his blood which is rarer than you think.

Not that rare. All you have to do is break into a blood bank, right? More story hooks FTW!

This isn't D&D where you can have a team of psychopathic good guys running around punching everyone you disagree with.
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Re: Fan Created monsters
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2011, 02:46:49 PM »
Not that rare. All you have to do is break into a blood bank, right? More story hooks FTW!


I did not know that blood banks labelled thier blood by profession  ;). A plus 2 is for something anyone can get their hands on with reasonable ease, like crosses, garlic and stuff made of iron getting a priest's blood would be significantly more difficulty than getting garlic etc. The rest of the things you could buy in a shop or find around your house I do not think the attendants at a blood bank would be that pleased if you othered money for their finest priestly blood, though as a plot hook it has a lot of potential.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2011, 02:50:49 PM by bitterpill »
"Apathetic bloody planet, I've no sympathy at all"  Vogon Captain

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Re: Fan Created monsters
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2011, 03:36:40 PM »
It might be hard for the average joe to get a priest's blood, but generally PCs in a DFRPG game will know a priest, and 50-50 odds that he is clued-in and willing to support the eradication of an evil gargoyle. And if it's a bad guy wanting to take down a "good" gargoyle? Just kidnap a priest. They keep them in churches.

Okay, perhaps that's not as easy as it sounds.
"Like a voice, like a crack, like a whispering shriek
That echoes on like it’s carpet-bombing feverish white jungles of thought
That I’m positive are not even mine"

Blackout, The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets