The problem with using references is that the reader
has to get the reference. And if the reader doesn't get the reference, they need to be able to figure it out through context. For example, I did not get that reference. I figured out that it was from some modern sci-fi work, probably a movie. Try and weigh what reader reactions will be for those who get the reference and those who won't. Is the punch you get for using it worth it if it leaves half your readers floundering?
Another problem is that using up-to-the-minute pop culture could make your work dated very, very quickly. Like, before-it-gets-sent-out-on-submissions quickly. But older references age better, as a matter of course. (ex. Stargate Universe reference, bad idea. Star Wars reference, reasonable.)
But there's no legal restriction against homages or referencing another work as long as you don't blatantly rip it off, so if you still want to put it in, go ahead.
I'd just keep the first two points in mind.