Author Topic: Who/where do you bounce ideas?  (Read 8958 times)

Offline library lasciel

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Who/where do you bounce ideas?
« on: February 03, 2011, 09:51:38 PM »
So I know asking for input on basic storyline ideas on the web is pretty dumb.

However, I have a very hard time telling potentially interesting plot/story ideas from the rest of the random crap that my brain continually spews forth when I'm not actively working. 

So, my esteemed writer-peoples, where do you find your most constructive feedback comes when trying out the quality of basic storyline and plot ideas?

I feel embarrassed to talk about my ideas with my friends.  In the meantime I've been bouncing off my husband, and while he's generally pretty sound-minded, I have a feeling that his responses are a little tainted by the thought that if he doesn't say he likes my ideas, I may bash him with a frying pan for lack of spousal support.   ;D

Links appreciated, actual groups of people also appreciated, general advice also totally welcome.

Offline Snowleopard

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Re: Who/where do you bounce ideas?
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2011, 11:08:27 PM »
Hey LL, I suspect that you're probably right about your hubby.  Large cast iron frying pans can be an ENORMOUS deterrent when it comes to telling your spouse something you think she might not want to hear.
I'm afraid that I don't know any groups but I have bounced ideas off a couple of people on the forum.
Just remember that we've been asked not to post any of our writing on the forum, not fan fic I believe, because if there's an idea that we have that Jim also has - he now can't use it because he can't prove he came up with it first.
But that doesn't stop you from PMing someone and talking off forum to them.  This forum is way cool for the way everybody encourages new writers.  Talk to people and after a bit you'll probably find someone or several someone's more than willing to bounce ideas with you.  Particularly if they're trying to write too - then you can help each other.
I hope that's of some assistance.

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Re: Who/where do you bounce ideas?
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2011, 02:21:02 AM »
I don't, honestly.  Once I discuss an idea, I lose interest in writing it.  I usually just assume that if it's an idea that lingers for days in my head while I play around with it, daydream scenes/characters/dialogue, then it's a good enough idea to at least start writing.

I usually start writing when I've been daydreaming, and I've cooked up a scene that's just *too* good to let slide. :D
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Re: Who/where do you bounce ideas?
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2011, 03:19:54 AM »
I do it with my friends; after approximately twenty years of being drawn to people and connecting to them primarily online through their words, the process of time passing has left me with plenty of very literate friends who are good at this kind of thing.
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Offline Nickeris86

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Re: Who/where do you bounce ideas?
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2011, 02:23:17 AM »
It really depends on what writing project I need advice on. However my primary fountain of ideas comes from my gaming group from when I was in collage. I also had a few classes that I used to throw my ideas out in.
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Offline MrWiggles

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Re: Who/where do you bounce ideas?
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2011, 03:12:52 AM »
My best friend is my creative partner. So, I ask him. We don't fear or resent each other for calling one another idea shit. Which, is most of the time.

Occasionally, I'll throw something at my mom.

Offline Snowleopard

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Re: Who/where do you bounce ideas?
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2011, 03:14:46 AM »
My best friend is my creative partner. So, I ask him. We don't fear or resent each other for calling one another idea shit. Which, is most of the time.

Occasionally, I'll throw something at my mom.

You have a very, good friend.  Most people don't have this kind of friend - one they can disagree with without messing up the friendship - also one they can be totally honest with.  Congrats.

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Re: Who/where do you bounce ideas?
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2011, 03:45:58 AM »
You have a very, good friend.  Most people don't have this kind of friend - one they can disagree with without messing up the friendship - also one they can be totally honest with.  Congrats.

We grew to understand, that by rejecting an idea, is not rejecting the person. You are not your idea. From my experience, most folks don't understand this. And most folks, from my experience, take criticism of their idea, and criticism of them personally. I find this very silly.

But yea, Nintaku and I are pretty strong friends.

Offline Snowleopard

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Re: Who/where do you bounce ideas?
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2011, 05:18:02 PM »
We grew to understand, that by rejecting an idea, is not rejecting the person. You are not your idea. From my experience, most folks don't understand this. And most folks, from my experience, take criticism of their idea, and criticism of them personally. I find this very silly.

But yea, Nintaku and I are pretty strong friends.

I think that's one of the hardest lessons for a young writer to learn.  How to take criticism.  As you say, they view it as a personal attack and not an over view of their work.  On top of which - this is their 'baby' someone is talking about and they get highly defensive.  It may be silly but it is very much a fact of life, I suspect, for new writers in whatever genre.
Heck, I've heard a budding mystery writer getting all defensive with an established author in that situation.
My attitude is - honey, he's sold books you haven't - time to stop and listen.

Offline Nickeris86

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Re: Who/where do you bounce ideas?
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2011, 06:24:56 PM »
I agree it is rather silly to get offended by criticism. That was one of my biggest issues I faced in my writing classes is that very few people were willing to give criticism, I suspect that they didn't want to hurt feelings but it kind of dulled the point of the entire class.

However on the other hand you have to be careful who you ask for opinions because some people don't know how to give constructive criticism. I have had people tell me something I wrote sucks but they didn't give me any ideas on how to correct it. Now that I find to be very irksome.
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Offline Snowleopard

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Re: Who/where do you bounce ideas?
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2011, 06:31:17 PM »
I agree it is rather silly to get offended by criticism. That was one of my biggest issues I faced in my writing classes is that very few people were willing to give criticism, I suspect that they didn't want to hurt feelings but it kind of dulled the point of the entire class.

However on the other hand you have to be careful who you ask for opinions because some people don't know how to give constructive criticism. I have had people tell me something I wrote sucks but they didn't give me any ideas on how to correct it. Now that I find to be very irksome.

There is that too.  You have family members who think that telling you that everything you do (even if flaming monkey poo is better) is terrific is the way to help you.  You have those who give criticism but they are nit picking and not addressing the important points in your writing.  Then you have, unfortunately, those who deliberately will put you down.  Along with learning to accept criticism you also need to learn to filter the criticism you get - weeding out the well meaning and the nasty and getting to the ones who have valid points.

Offline MrWiggles

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Re: Who/where do you bounce ideas?
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2011, 06:00:56 AM »
On, there this seemingly growing trend to only give positive reviews. I find this very irritating. I want to get better, giving me fluff warm feelings doesn't make me a better author. I need to know where I am weak, and hopefully suggestions on how to improve.

Offline Snowleopard

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Re: Who/where do you bounce ideas?
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2011, 06:04:44 AM »
On, there this seemingly growing trend to only give positive reviews. I find this very irritating. I want to get better, giving me fluff warm feelings doesn't make me a better author. I need to know where I am weak, and hopefully suggestions on how to improve.

Yeah, warm fuzzies will not improve your writing.  As I tell my friends - I want to know where I can improve, where I'm hopelessly wrong - and what are the holes in the plot that you can drive a star cruiser through.

Offline library lasciel

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Re: Who/where do you bounce ideas?
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2011, 07:37:13 PM »
Yeah, warm fuzzies will not improve your writing.  As I tell my friends - I want to know where I can improve, where I'm hopelessly wrong - and what are the holes in the plot that you can drive a star cruiser through.

See, this is what I want, and while I love my friends dearly and have great fun with them, they're really not the people for that type of feedback.

It's irksome.    :-\

Offline Snowleopard

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Re: Who/where do you bounce ideas?
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2011, 08:01:02 PM »
See, this is what I want, and while I love my friends dearly and have great fun with them, they're really not the people for that type of feedback.

It's irksome.    :-\

Yeah, verily yeah.  Maybe you need to make it clear to them what you really want.  Some people aren't sure whether you want the truth or 'warm fuzzies" and don't want to make a mistake.
I'm fortunate to have several friends who will give me the plain unvarnished truth as they say.
I also have a friend who makes her living as a writer and she pulls no punches if I give her some of my work to look over.
I'm afraid I have a sometimes tenuous grasp of tenses which tends to irk her (heck it irks me).  And my grammar and punctuation can be shaky too.

If you stay on the forum any length of time you'll probably find someone more than willing to listen to your ideas.  And I think most of the consistent posters are good people who'll give you good feedback.
Heck, I've seen people asking for beta readers in the author's section of the forum.