Author Topic: A question about Concessions...  (Read 5064 times)

Offline Tallyrand

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Re: A question about Concessions...
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2011, 12:40:22 AM »
The conflict was over the Maguffin (Component of the key to a big bad and his army) were getting trounced in the Building trying to fight several Kemmlerite Necromancers I was a character with Supernatural Recovery, Speed and Inhuman Strength) I only had an extreme concequence left and realised we were going to lose so, I discarded the plot item picked up two of the party and jumped out a window. The GM didn't have them follow me as I left the Maguffin and two of my party behind (the 2 useless pure mortals) so I suppose this would definatly count as a concession. Though I only did it because I though it would count as scene change and get rid of my minor and moderate concequence.

Actually as you state it there that is not a concession.  Part of being a concession is you (the player) have to offer it up and your opponent (generally the GM) has to accept it as a concession.  What you did was run away from a fight, and there would be absolutely nothing preventing them from following you.  Had however on your turn you said "Ok, it looks like we're going to lose here so I want to offer a concession.  I'll give up the Maguffin and grab Characters A and B and jump out the window and they won't follow me because they're dealing with characters C and D and grabbing the Macguffin."  at which point the GM would have been able to saw "Ok, but instead of A you're going to grab B and D because they're closest to you, also you're not going to heal your moderate consequence because it's going to be replaced with FRACTURED SHIN".  You could then accept the GM's narrative, present a counter offer, or say no, lets just continue the fight.

Offline bitterpill

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Re: A question about Concessions...
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2011, 01:03:20 AM »
I suppose your right then I suppose you could count the consession as when the GM gave me fate points not go back up the two flights of steps and continue the fight (at this point the only way I could of won the fight was by sprinting round  and round in circles with supernatural speed and swift foot so that I would have a dodge of 11 and hoping my endurance would last longer than there mental stress). As neither me nor the GM wanted such an awful fight you could count that as concession though I know it tecnically was not. 
"Apathetic bloody planet, I've no sympathy at all"  Vogon Captain

Offline Tallyrand

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Re: A question about Concessions...
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2011, 01:07:02 AM »
Right, that's an end to the fight, and a resolution of sorts, but not a concession.

Offline newtinmpls

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Re: A question about Concessions...
« Reply #18 on: February 13, 2011, 12:15:03 PM »
"One important thing to remember that really helped me with concessions and fate in general is to remember that Fate has a lot of mechanics that involve the players playing the game and not the characters.  When I throw a fate chip to make something happen, it's not Sarah St. Claire or Richard Parker doing something or even wanting something to happen, it's me.  Concessions aren't between the character and his adversary, they're between the player and the GM, and that's what prevents the character from going back on the 'deal' because he isn't even aware of it."

This is actually the thing I like least about the game; it takes away from the immersion, which is one thing I really like about more 'normal' role playing. Granted, the really good RPGers will operate on this level anyway. But for power gamers, the "create and tag" aspects just fuels more trouble.
