That's well and good for a template-class term, but I'm looking to try and put together some stats for such characters. One thing I'm playing with is the shapeshifting aspect, particularly the idea of the hybrid form, half-man, half-beast, from pop-culture and myth. The template that I threw together for one player who just got a fox-spirit implanted goes like this:
Vulpinanthrope (fox)
Echoes of the Beast [-1] (+1 hearing, +1 to Stealth when hiding from larger foes, talk to canines)
Cloak of Shadows [-1]
Human Form [+1] affecting the following:
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Minimum Refresh cost: -3
When shifted into the form that allows Inhuman Speed, the character takes on fox-like features, starting with ear-like tufts of hair, and his feet and legs rearrange into those of a fox. Note that each option taken increases the animalistic aspects of the shifted hybrid form; for example taking Claws will make the character grow a muzzle and claws when shifted.
Supernatural Speed [-4]
Claws [-1]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
I didn't tie it to the lunar cycle because of several reasons; for mythological reasons, foxes don't have a strong association with any astronomical event, like the phases of the moon. Also, they are strongly associated as unpredictable tricksters, which is another reason not to give them a consistent, regular power-up-and-down cycle. Additionally, foxes are good at stealth (I speak from experience, having surprised one by practically almost stepping on it), which is why I gave the template Cloak of Shadows... which seems antithetical with tying the template to the full moon; and if I tied it to the new moon, then I have timing conflicts with the lycanthrope in the group.
And does anyone have any thoughts for other therianthrope templates? It's kinda the purpose of this thread; sorry if I didn't make that clear at first.
*Musing...* Cat could be fun; you could even have a generic "cat", someone with a spirit that is the essence of feline-ness, and templates for specific species. Owl would be a hoot (
*badum-ching!*), and someone needs to stat up an elephant template for when you absolutely, positively need heavy backup that you can pay for with peanuts.