Author Topic: Other -anthorpes  (Read 6804 times)

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Other -anthorpes
« on: January 31, 2011, 04:36:07 PM »
According to Bob, in the margins of pg 79 of YS,
Technically, the term “lycanthrope” only applies to those who draw a wolf-like spirit into them near the time of the full moon. You’ll need to further torture some helpless ancient language to describe another kind of –anthrope.

This, to me, sounds like an invitation. 

So, what powers and abilities would other -anthropes have?  And how would they express themselves?  Would they always be at the full moon, or perhaps some other time of the month?  Are somatic changes possible?  etc and so forth.

After torturing a helpless latin dictionary as directed, I have the following -anthropes to toss out there as a starter:

Vulpinanthrope (fox)
Felinaenthrope (cat)
Corvanthrope (crow)
Ursidaethrope (bear)
Serpentanthrope (snake)

That should be enough to start with.  Ready... set... Template! :)
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Re: Other -anthorpes
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2011, 05:21:43 PM »
Ophidithrope seems better for snakes as it is a part of their scientific name :P

Tytoanthrope (owl)
Therianthrope (animal or wild, I forget which)
cervidithrope (weasels and skunks and such)
Hundreds more, if you take a bit of time to look. If you can find an animal, you can find a thrope for it, most likely.
Don't make me drop a turkey on you...

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Re: Other -anthorpes
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2011, 11:40:49 PM »
I tend to lump them all together as therianthropes.
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Re: Other -anthorpes
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2011, 01:22:54 AM »
That's well and good for a template-class term, but I'm looking to try and put together some stats for such characters.  One thing I'm playing with is the shapeshifting aspect, particularly the idea of the hybrid form, half-man, half-beast, from pop-culture and myth.  The template that I threw together for one player who just got a fox-spirit implanted goes like this:

Vulpinanthrope (fox)


Echoes of the Beast [-1] (+1 hearing, +1 to Stealth when hiding from larger foes, talk to canines)
Cloak of Shadows [-1]
Human Form [+1] affecting the following:
Inhuman Speed [-2]

Minimum Refresh cost: -3
When shifted into the form that allows Inhuman Speed, the character takes on fox-like features, starting with ear-like tufts of hair, and his feet and legs rearrange into those of a fox.  Note that each option taken increases the animalistic aspects of the shifted hybrid form; for example taking Claws will make the character grow a muzzle and claws when shifted.

Supernatural Speed [-4]
Claws [-1]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]

I didn't tie it to the lunar cycle because of several reasons; for mythological reasons, foxes don't have a strong association with any astronomical event, like the phases of the moon.  Also, they are strongly associated as unpredictable tricksters, which is another reason not to give them a consistent, regular power-up-and-down cycle.  Additionally, foxes are good at stealth (I speak from experience, having surprised one by practically almost stepping on it), which is why I gave the template Cloak of Shadows... which seems antithetical with tying the template to the full moon; and if I tied it to the new moon, then I have timing conflicts with the lycanthrope in the group.


And does anyone have any thoughts for other therianthrope templates?  It's kinda the purpose of this thread; sorry if I didn't make that clear at first.

*Musing...*  Cat could be fun; you could even have a generic "cat", someone with a spirit that is the essence of feline-ness, and templates for specific species.  Owl would be a hoot (*badum-ching!*), and someone needs to stat up an elephant template for when you absolutely, positively need heavy backup that you can pay for with peanuts.  ::)
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Re: Other -anthorpes
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2011, 01:40:40 AM »
Stuck working at the moment, but one way I've done shapechangers* is with the modular abilities power.  Set one up for humaniod*, another for hybrid form and another for animal form.

*It was an animal court fae rather than a human therianthrope.
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Re: Other -anthorpes
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2011, 02:51:07 AM »
The Vulpinathrope should probably have Beast Change.

Weresnakes seem interesting to me. I think that their Echoes could give them a bonus to smelling and thermosense as well as the obvious parseltongue. Human Form would probably affect Claws, which would either be Venomous or boosted by Inhuman Strength depending on the species. Some species would also have Diminutive Size.

I think I`m going to make a weresnake character soon. Haven`t decided whether or not it will be generic yet.

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Re: Other -anthorpes
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2011, 03:13:29 AM »
Point.  I'll let him pick up Beast Change as an option down the road, but for now let the Human Form ability represent a change into a more hybrid form.  I'm thinking of this as a mid-way point between the change-in-mind that a Lycanthrope is depicted as, and the change-in-form that a were-form is; not quite one or the other.  (also, on a more practical level, the PC's going to be running really close to 0-refresh as is, changing from Pure Mortal to a Therianmorph)

And I'd like to see your take on a Snake Therianmorph.  Can I ask one request, if you make a non-generic one?  Can he be a lawyer, belonging to a firm called the Partnership Collective?   ;D
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Offline devonapple

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Re: Other -anthorpes
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2011, 03:39:50 AM »
Just to be clear, in the Dresdenverse, the Lycanthropes (or general therianthropes) don't actually change forms - just their minds. It was a pivotal difference in the story when they appeared.

YS 79:
"But where werewolves change their bodies, lycanthropes change only their minds, aligning their thoughts and senses with those of a beast."

They get tougher and stronger by the full moon, true, but according to the fiction, they don't really make significant changes to their bodies, like claws or wings or magical abilities. They are supposed to be more like Berzerkers than Werewolves. They have toughness/speed/strength powers attached to an Involuntary Change Human Form, as well as Echoes of the Beast (and in Lycanthropic examples, Pack Instincts). But none of them should have any Beast Change.

I'm happy to play with Were-forms, hybrid were-forms, etc., but then we'd be back to talking about werefoxes, weresnakes, wereravens.

But Therianthropes are more of a challenge because of their limited scope. Perhaps we may want to start making up minor Powers for each other category, to replace Pack Instincts? We may also opt to use Stunts to differentiate these animals.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 04:01:59 AM by devonapple »
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Re: Other -anthorpes
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2011, 03:48:59 AM »
Sorry, I somehow thought that we were talking about Wereforms. In retrospect, I'm not sure where I got that idea. That makes more sense now. Beast Change could still work, at least mechanically speaking, but it isn't a requirement anymore.

And sure, I can make a Partnership Collective drone. But wouldn't that actually be more generic than anything I've ever done before?

By the way, what conditions would be appropriate for Xthrope mental transformations? Lycanthropes have the moon, other thropes could have something else.

Hmm, Lycanthropes and Wereforms...I feel another project coming on.

PS: That is a Schlock Mercenary reference, right?

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Re: Other -anthorpes
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2011, 04:00:33 AM »
Just to be clear, in the Dresdenverse, the Lycanthropes (or general therianthropes) don't actually change forms - just their minds. It was a pivotal difference in the story when they appeared.

YS 79:
"But where werewolves change their bodies, lycanthropes change only their minds, aligning their thoughts and senses with those of a beast."

They get tougher and stronger by the full moon, true, but according to the fiction, they don't really make significant changes to their bodies, like claws or wings or magical abilities. They are supposed to be more like Berzerkers than Werewolves. They have toughness/speed/strength powers attached to an Involuntary Change Human Form, as well as Echoes of the Beast (and in Lycanthropic examples, Pack Instincts). But none of them should have any Beast Change.

I'm happy to play with Were-forms, hybrid were-forms, etc., but then we'd be back to talking about werefoxes, weresnakes, wereravens.

But Therianthropes are more of a challenge because of their limited scope. Perhaps we may want to start making up minor Powers for each other category, to replace Pack Instincts?
There are enough animal-headed figures of myth and legend that I consider the hybrid-form to be a viable concept, but your point is well taken.  Although, there's no reason a lycanthrope or other therianthrope couldn't learn to assume the form of their bonded spirit-animal, much like the Alphas managed to learn.  However, I'm more than willing to have the template I posted above be an aberration and anomaly, given the circumstances of its creation (magical experiment with the PC as the test subject).

Sorry, I somehow thought that we were talking about Wereforms. In retrospect, I'm not sure where I got that idea. That makes more sense now. Beast Change could still work, at least mechanically speaking, but it isn't a requirement anymore.

And sure, I can make a Partnership Collective drone. But wouldn't that actually be more generic than anything I've ever done before?

By the way, what conditions would be appropriate for Xthrope mental transformations? Lycanthropes have the moon, other thropes could have something else.

Hmm, Lycanthropes and Wereforms...I feel another project coming on.

PS: That is a Schlock Mercenary reference, right?
Wereforms, therianthropes... they're almost more on a continuum than hard-and-fast seperate categories. 

As for the Drone, that's just for my private amusement as well as a Schlock Mercenary reference; the current Dragon-In-Chief for my campaign is best described as an Evil Expy of Schlock and Clayface.  Thus, I need Partnership drones... whose fate you shall never know. *evil grin*

I was doing a little debate on the conditions for transformation up above in the first post; I ended up letting it be voluntary for the fox-anthrope, but that can be handwaved away due to the uniqueness of that particular origin.

So, with all that, enough dancing!  Let's get the ball rolling!  A challenge to get the momentum started: someone design either a cat or elephant therianthrope template!   8)
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Offline devonapple

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Re: Other -anthorpes
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2011, 04:02:08 AM »
Vulpinanthrope (fox), version 2

Echoes of the Beast [-1] (+1 hearing, +1 to Stealth when hiding from larger foes, talk to canines)
Human Form [+1] affecting the following:
Inhuman Speed [-2]

Minimum Refresh cost: -2

Incite Emotion (Lust) [-1] - the ultimate "fox," vulpinathropes can learn how to use their bodies and wiles to toy with the affections of mere mortals
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
Supernatural Speed [-4]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Cloak of Shadows [-1] - particularly stealthy vulpinathropes seem to blend in with the shadows (it's a little more supernaturally themed than I would want, but it is a good 'stealth' power which a Vulpinathrope would definitely deserve to have).

Important Skills: Alertness, Deceit, Investigation, Rapport, Survival. (would Burglary be a good one?)

Also, should we give them Incite Lust as an up-front power? Or am I giving in to a fantasy-genre sexism about what Foxes should be able to do?

A Minor Power which could work for Vulpinathropes or ophidiathropes:

Inhuman Flexibility [-1]: your joints are far more supple and pliant than most humans. You gain a +2 to Skill rolls in which flexibility would be an asset: escaping from bonds, ignoring a Cramped scene aspect, hiding.
Superior Dexterity: Whenever using your Stealth to modify (page 214) another skill, it always provides a +1 regardless of the actual comparison of your Stealth score to the skill in question.
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« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2011, 04:12:54 AM »

High concept, such as Ursidaethrope, or Soul of a Bear
Echoes of the Beast [-1] (+1 smelling, talk to bears)
Human Form [+1] affecting the following:
- Inhuman Strength [-2]
- Inhuman Toughness [-2]

Minimum Refresh cost: -4

Inhuman Recovery [-2]
Supernatural Recovery [-4]
Inhuman Speed [-2] - bears can run incredibly fast, and dedicated Ursidaethrope can push their own speed accordingly
Supernatural Speed [-4]
Supernatural Strength [-4]

Important Skills: Alertness, Conviction, Intimidation, Investigation, Presence, Survival.
"Like a voice, like a crack, like a whispering shriek
That echoes on like it’s carpet-bombing feverish white jungles of thought
That I’m positive are not even mine"

Blackout, The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets

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Re: Other -anthorpes
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2011, 04:14:12 AM »
Also, should we give them Incite Lust as an up-front power? Or am I giving in to a fantasy-genre sexism about what Foxes should be able to do?
Fantasy-genre sexism.  While there's an awful lot of the "sexy vixen" archetype in myth and legend, there's just as much of, if not more of the "goddamn clever/sneaky fox!" stories.  You could, actually, create almost two different "packages" off of the same template: one a sneaky trickster type, and the other being a sexy vixine/Renardine type.

A Minor Power which could work for Vulpinathropes or ophidiathropes:

Inhuman Flexibility [-1]: your joints are far more supple and pliant than most humans. You gain a +2 to Skill rolls in which flexibility would be an asset: escaping from bonds, ignoring a Cramped scene aspect, hiding.
Superior Dexterity: Whenever using your Stealth to modify (page 214) another skill, it always provides a +1 regardless of the actual comparison of your Stealth score to the skill in question.
I like these; I was discussing the template with a friend earlier and he brought up the point you've addressed with this.  Definitely will show this to the PC in question as an option instead of Cloak of Shadows.
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Re: Other -anthorpes
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2011, 04:17:09 AM »
Fantasy-genre sexism.  While there's an awful lot of the "sexy vixen" archetype in myth and legend, there's just as much of, if not more of the "goddamn clever/sneaky fox!" stories.  You could, actually, create almost two different "packages" off of the same template: one a sneaky trickster type, and the other being a sexy vixine/Renardine type.

Would we give the tricksters Incite Confusion then?
Possibly a Social Weapon ability?
A 1-Refresh Inhuman Grace power to boost to Deceit/Presence rolls?

Fantasy-genre sexism.  While there's an awful lot of the "sexy vixen" archetype in myth and legend, there's just as much of, if not more of the "goddamn clever/sneaky fox!" stories.  

Sorry for drilling so low for inspiration, then :D

Can you believe getting out of handcuffs doesn't seem to be in the rules in any way? Or am I just failing to find any?
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 04:20:29 AM by devonapple »
"Like a voice, like a crack, like a whispering shriek
That echoes on like it’s carpet-bombing feverish white jungles of thought
That I’m positive are not even mine"

Blackout, The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets

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Re: Other -anthorpes
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2011, 04:28:46 AM »
Been mulling over the Corvanthrope (crow) and I really like the concept. Echoes would apply to sight and burglary and we could do inhuman speed. The one thing I'm having a hard time with is obviously wings isn't appropriate, however I'm thinking it would be cool for them to have a minor weightlessness kinda thing. Perhaps the ability to "Jump good." ;D