High Concept: Isildur's Heir to the Throne of Gondor and Arnor
Trouble: Enemy of Sauron [or really, just cut/paste his High Concept into Trouble also

Now, Aragorn's Aspects are troublesome, because the bastard was just so awesomely awesome such that Compels to the negative are hard to come by...
Dunedain Ranger of the North
Friend to Gandalf the Grey
Wielder of Anduril, Flame of the West
Betrothed to Arwen Undomiel, Daughter of Elrond
Healing Hands
Loathe as I am to assign numbers...
+6 Presence, Discipline, Survival
+5 Scholarship, Endurance, Weapons, Contacts
+4 Endurance, Conviction, Stealth, Athletics
I guess the most annoying thing about heroes of this caliber is that the "skill pyramid" becomes restrictive, so I'll just stop here