Other Jimness > Episode Archive

BB007 - A Storm's A-Comin', Pa!

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I probably worded that strangely.  I meant to say that I enjoyed the news items themselves. 

Whether they were at the beginning or at the end does not matter to me, as long as I get my fix.  :-)


--- Quote from: ToddM326 on March 28, 2007, 05:51:40 PM ---I probably worded that strangely.  I meant to say that I enjoyed the news items themselves. 

Whether they were at the beginning or at the end does not matter to me, as long as I get my fix.  :-)
--- End quote ---

Got it.  Well, you've got my thoughts on format anyway! ;)

Rel Fexive:
Hmmm... I think I'll start listening to these then.  Starting at the first and so on.

Another great episode! It's good to see that we have some Alera love coming soon. I just got my gf to finally read the codex after re-reading it to be able to discuss. While I am thrilled to have White Knight and the show to talk about I want more Alera! December seems like way too far away...

It was great to have a voice to associate with Pricellie, and I am green with nerd-envy!
On thing about her audio: I was picking up a weird pre-echo on her words, like she was speaking from the other side in Poltergeist. I don't know if it was just a bad phone connection or if it was the software. It's the first time I noticed this in an interview and wanted to let you know.

All in all, another great episode, I just hope the next episode isn't in another 4 weeks!  :P


--- Quote from: jtaylor on March 28, 2007, 08:54:20 PM ---All in all, another great episode, I just hope the next episode isn't in another 4 weeks!  :P

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It may be three; we've got three episodes left in the TV series, and I think I want to have the first season sewn up in BB008.


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