Crafting Specialisation is not that broken because of the skill table progression, when adding in the fact you can stack its effect with Two Focus Items to also increase strength and frequency that is when it becomes broken. Using the example of a ten refresh Wizard +2Power enchanted item and +1 Frequency with a lore skill of five can have four enchanted items with 7 shifts of Power which can be used twice a secession this may not seem much it still represents a near doubling of the amount os spells a Wizard can cast a session.
For Crafting to be really broken for Wizards it requires high refresh whereas even at feet in the water a FP who focuses with Crafting is Lethal.
+3 Refinement
+2 Ritual Enchanted Items
A crafter with a lore at 4 and a focus item increasing crafting by 2 power and 2 frequency can Have 8 enchated items at 6 shifts of power which he can use twice a secession, so a total of 16 uses of a Power 6 spell. If A focus practitioner instead decides he wants more powerful spells he can have a focus item of +4 Enchanted item Power (instead of +2,+2) can have 8 items which he can use to generate a +8 shift Spell once a session. This makes Feet in the Water Characters who are way ahead of the curve and only gets further ahead at higher refresh. At submerged Levels a craft FP can have 12 items which he can use for a 10 shift spell, 6 times a secession this means he can use 72 high level attack or defenses in any one secession and is unlikly to ever run out of tricks.