And, as I pointed out, all of those items have a lot of mojo-juice stored up in them. He is (in many cases literally) a glowing neon sign saying "Magical Vending Machine". I didn't do the full math myself, but he would be walking around with, what? Seventy some-odd shifts of magical energy jingling on his person? He's going to need all those attacks and defenses as, in my mind, he would be the first and primary target for any supernatural baddie the group runs up against.
Yes, I agree, that it is not the GMs purpose to counter or be the opponent of the players. But, I am a big proponent of the concept that there are always consequences for a players choices and actions. In this case, he min-maxed out his crafting and use of magic items. Consequence is that he will be getting a lot of attention. Very little of it good. Heck, in my mind, if he is always carrying around that much mojo he would be a literal magnet for all sorts of things. Wouldn't even have to be all scary-nightmare stuff either. Just think of the number of Fae he would draw to him! Little wyld fae always trying to steal his lucky charms!