Author Topic: New Characters After Campaign has Begun?  (Read 1656 times)

Offline Morfedel

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New Characters After Campaign has Begun?
« on: January 25, 2011, 04:04:48 AM »
So, considering a couple of the aspects, at least, have guest star and guest star redux, showing some past history with the other characters, how do you introduce new characters kind of after the fact, as far as figuring out those aspects?

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Re: New Characters After Campaign has Begun?
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2011, 04:24:14 AM »
I always keep the cards with the stories on them and I don't know about you, but our stories were rarely finished. You could have them guest star in others stories that way (giving those stories four parts). Otherwise you could have them simply talk with the other players and iron out what kind of history they may have had, then make the aspect however they feel like.

Offline UmbraLux

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Re: New Characters After Campaign has Begun?
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2011, 04:25:26 AM »
Several options:
  • Use 'On the Fly' character creation
  • Retroactively insert the character into others' stories
  • Promote an NPC already in the game (he's already in the stories, just need to select aspects)
  • Just create aspects for those while ignoring other characters' stories
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Re: New Characters After Campaign has Begun?
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2011, 07:24:09 AM »
I hate doing this in fate more than any other game I have ever ran. I say the other players sit down take 5-10 mins to say how they ran into the new character, and just make it up as you go from there in game.  The only down side is this is the lack of control the new guy as if the other players midgame decide to define something he/she does not like.

The other idea I really like is to promote a NPC to player status.
Posting from a cell phone excuss my typoes

Offline Richard_Chilton

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Re: New Characters After Campaign has Begun?
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2011, 08:15:22 AM »
What we've done is to give some PCs two or more guest starring spots - so the new PCs have that as a connection to the group.

Because, to be honest, if people didn't have a connection... There are some very odd groups of PCs out there, and if they weren't already your friends you'd be crossing the street to avoid them.


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Re: New Characters After Campaign has Begun?
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2011, 12:07:51 PM »
If you are introducing two or more new characters into the group, just have them know each other.
(I believe that falls under the "Keep It Simple Stupid" tag. *Shrug*)
Otherwise, you could easily make them the jumping off point for this new adventure...

"Ok, (new guy), you've just witnessed (weird incident) and think you'll need help to handle it, you've heard from (NPC) that (Established Character) is good at handling things like this"

He then comes to the established characters with the basis for tonights mishap.