Author Topic: Emissary of fate: rough concept  (Read 2107 times)

Offline Stonelaird01

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Emissary of fate: rough concept
« on: April 18, 2011, 10:45:09 PM »

Ok I'm trying to put together an emissary of fate character either for use as a PC or NPC Its not done as i'm still not happy with the feel of it. What does everyone think?

Emissary of Fate

High Concept: Agent of Fate

Trouble: I don't believe in destiny

Aspects: Fate loves the fearless, Eternal sceptic, Into the thick of it, I've got all kinds of experiance, Dead to the world

Supernatural abilities:

Cassandra's Tears (0) Limited version of an ability Fate would have
Wizards Constitution (0) Has been taken at moment of death and now is outside normal aging + dying cycle
Marked by power (1)
Inhuman Speed (2) Not fast more like he knows whats coming and is already getting out of the way
Ghost speaker (1) death is a large part of the whole fate thing so thought this was appropriate

He cannot complain of a hard sentance he who is master of his own fate (0-1) Cannot use fate points on himself and others cannot use them in actions involving him. (emisarry has been removed from fates plan and as such does not have a fate) Can use fate points to affect other characters.

Item of power: (3 with 2 discount) havent decided on form perhaps a huge scarf knitted with the threads of fate (bright gold thing to make it tres obvious)

Sponsered Magic: Channeling(2) ( fate magic)
                         Refinement(1) +1 power, +1 control
                          Focus slots x2 +1 power +1 control


Resolved to take fate by the throat and make a living out of her (1)  +2 RESOURCES whenever resources are being used in conjunction with fates plan

Offline sinker

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Re: Emissary of fate: rough concept
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2011, 01:15:14 AM »
One issue that I can see outright is that there is no Sponsored Magic: Channeling. Sponsored magic is it's own ability that costs 4 refresh and gives one all of the effects of Channeling and Ritual, using the sponsor as the focus.

Other than that I'm really not sure about the "He cannot complain of a hard sentance he who is master of his own fate" deal. I think it may have much farther reaching implications than one might think and they might be game breaking. Consider that technically the character can never be compelled. Then there's the fact that were I your GM I would want to run it unilaterally for both you, and others, meaning that either others will easily figure out ways to use their fate points against you (by using their own aspects or aspects that are not directly related to you/that ability) just as you would do to invoke against others or by the inverse just as everyone else can't use fate in actions related to you neither can you use fate points in actions related to you (which would leave you unable to use fate at all because all your actions are actions related to you). If neither of these statements are true then this power is ridiculously powerful (preventing any negative uses of fate while keeping many positive uses) and probably ought to cost a lot more.

Offline InFerrumVeritas

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Re: Emissary of fate: rough concept
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2011, 01:36:20 AM »
I think Fate points should be outside the "modifiable" rules.  That is, you cannot have a power that changes, fundamentally, how they're used.  In DFRPG, they're more a measure of free will than anything else.  So I'd use up all your refresh (spend it on stunts if you run out of powers) and constantly put yourself low on Fate points if you want to be compelled along.  If you don't want to be compelled at all, pick aspects which are hard to compel (although, I will say, that goes against the game's primary storytelling mechanic).

Also, to second sinker, Sponsored Magic doesn't work that way.  You can have "Channeling: Fate Magic" and work with your DM to define what fate magic is (probably entropy based), but you don't get access to debt (which I personally don't think you'd be able to use if you kept the whole "no fate points for yourself" thing).  

Instead of Inhuman Speed, I'd make something more like a stunt.  Inhuman Speed makes you fast.  It's not just the +1 to Athletics.  So make something that gives you +2 to Athletics rolls to defend and which means you cannot be caught by surprise.  -2 Refresh would still probably be fair.

On a final note, your power names could be Snappier.