So maybe I've misread something, but are backstabs and silent take-downs just impossible in this game? You know, short of nuking someone with magic or burning through 5 fate points to invoke tons of aspects.
Here is my understanding, please tell me if I'm missing something.:
To take out your average accountant you need to do 15 stress damage in 1 round. Lets assume you are a world class martial artist, so +5.
Maneuver to hide in shadows +2
Has a special takedown stunt +2
declare he is unaware and tag that +2
invoke special forces training +2
invoke darkness in building +2
And there is no margin of error here.
This seems excessive to take down an accountant, and most PCs wont have this level of specialization. And heaven help me if I want to ambush a PC. There has to be a better way to go solid snake on a bunch of mooks. Last game I basically just did concessions for the mooks, but I wasn't very happy with it. Any ideas on how to handle these situations?