Author Topic: Magic Scrying Mirror Item of Power  (Read 2506 times)

Offline danthehut

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Magic Scrying Mirror Item of Power
« on: February 02, 2011, 06:19:53 PM »
I'm looking to create a Magic Mirror that basically provides the ability to perform scrying magic with it, like a crystal ball kinda, for a non wizard (true believer) template.

I'm not sure how to stat out a power like that and looking for some help.

My current thinking is the mirror just grant a single use of thamaturgy for and a bonus like a Focus Item, granting "ŠŠ Provide inaccessible knowledge" from the "what can you do with it" on YW262 or Divination as mentioned on YW275.

Thoughts or Suggestions?

Offline devonapple

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Re: Magic Scrying Mirror Item of Power
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2011, 06:36:04 PM »
I'm looking to create a Magic Mirror that basically provides the ability to perform scrying magic with it, like a crystal ball kinda, for a non wizard (true believer) template.

I'm not sure how to stat out a power like that and looking for some help.

My current thinking is the mirror just grant a single use of thamaturgy for and a bonus like a Focus Item, granting "ŠŠ Provide inaccessible knowledge" from the "what can you do with it" on YW262 or Divination as mentioned on YW275.

Thoughts or Suggestions?

You could start with an Item of Power [+1] that can provide the bearer with Rituals (Divination) [-2] - total Refresh cost [-1].

If you want more flexibility, have it grant a sort of Sponsored Magic, discounted to reflect that it only provides Divinations. That would obligate you to find some way to pay off any Debt the True Believer accrues pushing the limits with it. Or link it to some supernatural agenda that can become a source of potential conflict.

Or you could just link it to a high Investigation roll and burn several item slots to bump that up, rather than on uses/scenario.
"Like a voice, like a crack, like a whispering shriek
That echoes on like it’s carpet-bombing feverish white jungles of thought
That I’m positive are not even mine"

Blackout, The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets

Offline danthehut

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Re: Magic Scrying Mirror Item of Power
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2011, 08:31:05 PM »
awesome idea. I love the sponsored magic idea. I'll run it by my player and see what he thinks. Thanks.

Offline danthehut

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Re: Magic Scrying Mirror Item of Power
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2011, 02:44:27 AM »
Here was our first attempt at putting these ideas together. We went back and forth a few times via email on it..

Let us know if this seems to fit rules wise:

John the Prestor's Mirror [-3]
Sponsored Magic Item
Counts as the 2 focus item slots for ritual.

Description: You possess the mytical mirror of John the Prestor

Musts: High concept must include reason for item.

Skills Affected: Scholarship, Lore, Investigation, Conviction


  • :

This item is a powerful holy symbol in
its own right. Its very touch is like holy water
or that of a cross or other symbol of faith
backed by the belief of the possessor.

  • :

As an Item of Power, it cannot be
broken, save through dedicated magical ritual
predicated upon perverting its purpose.

Item of Power [+1]:
It's a Mirror.

Rituals (Divination) [-2]:

Divine Purpose [+1]:
May Only be used with true selfless purpose in mind and heart. (ie cannot be used for selfish gain).

Divine Insight [-1]:
Aspect can be tagged for a +1 bonus to skills affected listed above.