the short story says:
"mortlas have forgottoen the gods..they think the white god drove out the many gods. but they are here. I am here, mortal man."- Last call
"Indeed, we withdrew and gave the world into your keeping, and what has become of it.."
Ifshe is being truthfull, the pagan gods withdrew voluntariliy for reasons of their own, as yet unknown, and are now returning because they are not happy with what mortal man has done.
On a side note, I wonder ig the hidnu gods ever left..of all the ancient religions, it is the one that is being practiced today the most by far..over a billion hindus, alst i checked.
Odin? at his absolute top, he had maybe a few million worshippers.
thats a lot of faith magic to throw around..
Kali Shiva: Name to run away from, evry fast.