Another thread prompted me to make this one. Many people discuss whether or not the RPG is full canon, semi-canon, non-canon, Where does fanon fit in, etc. I feel like my attempt below covers most of the bases. There is a grey area in the RPG where official canon Harry, Bob, and Billy acknowledge something/someone- such as Davian Campbell- as existing outside the RPG- that makes them "theoretically canon".
1:Jim Canon- A Novel, Short Story, WoJ. This comes from highest authority, and cannot be contradicted canonically (occasionally retconned by Jim)
2:Theoretical Canon- Davian Campbell, Gilgamesh. From a supplement, like the RPG, where it is written "in-universe" and canon characters comment about the material outside the RPG. (example: Bob talks about Gilgamesh in the margins such that he is canonically a Accords signatory that really "exists"). WoJ/later novels can contradict, but should currently be taken as legitimate.
3:Hypothetical Canon:- Damocles Ravenborn, <most of Baltimore material>- Possible but not confirmed canon from a supplement. It is never directly stated as factual or fictional. WoJ/later works can affirm/deny (example: Baltimore chapter of YS- in-universe author Davian Campbell states he makes up some of the material, and some of it is factual). Unlike Davian Campbell, who gets a affirming mention from Harry, Bob, or Billy into the "theoretical canon" category, these entries have no reason to be canon or non-canon.
4:Parallel Fanon: An unofficial work- usually by fans- of the Dresden Files, not associated legally, etc. It may be an RPG campaign, short story, etc. However, it does not contradict present canon at the time of its inception (later canon from above could bump this down to 5, see below)
5:Contradictory Fanon: An unofficial work, as Parallel Fanon. However, this work contains some contradiction with present canon, and could not co-exist with Butcher's precise universe.