I realize that at this point I'm just arguing and I apologize. It's not technically RAW, but I have tried it and found it a little overpowered. Try it out with your group and see what they think. Maybe you'll have better times with it than I did.
It's totally ok! I do not mind constructive criticism.
I was thinking that this would not be a game breaking mechanic though because my wizard is specced in guns. Yup. Guns.
I tried to keep my character build as "in character" and logical as possible. As such, with the military background, he has his physical skills, guns, fists, and discipline highest. With the martial weapons feat he can use a sword with fists skill, but he's still not a samurai by any stretch.
In reality, he would probably be more effective with guns and not have to take a hit to mental stress. However, I like the flavor of the power and I feel it's something he can eventually grow into if the GM allows it and he survives long enough to level up.