Author Topic: Unidentified Faerie Folk  (Read 4366 times)

Offline jadecourtflunky

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Unidentified Faerie Folk
« on: January 05, 2011, 02:20:47 AM »
The books only identify so many of the fae. Seelie, unseelie, ogres, pixies, gruffs, trolls, and centaurs are mentioned with some detail. Goblins and elves are covered briefly, but I'm sure there are more kinds of faeries than that. Please post your ideas on your own made-up fae folk, or even better, if you've done research, share it so the rest of us can find out. If there is already a thread about this, I'm sorry. I didnt mean to steal any ideas.

Offline Peteman

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Re: Unidentified Faerie Folk
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2011, 02:44:38 AM »
Domovoi are friendly house faeries. While most faeries are repulsed by Thresholds, Domovoi are able to thrive in them. However, Domovoi will not do anything to endanger the Threshold of the house it adopted. Indeed, they will help in the limited manner they can, usually with warnings. They have limited oracular abilities, and will provide warnings to protect their wards. They will grieve as much as any family member over the death of anyone in the household.

Though friendly to their Threshold providers, they are less caring toward others, usually stealing to benefit their wards.

Lastly, a Domovoi does not appreciate an unkempt house. Though they can be forgiving in a high intensity household (read: lots of family), they will increase the messiness of an unkempt home if they deem it insufficient. Once returned to proper order, they will be satisfied. They tend to know local faerie cleaning services.

(I know they're listed as spirits on wikipedia, but I figure they could go both ways)

Offline hank the ancient

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Re: Unidentified Faerie Folk
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2011, 04:46:15 AM »

there ya go. Personally  I would love to see a Callicantzaroi cavalry platoon go by. WTF?
« Last Edit: January 05, 2011, 04:50:17 AM by hank the ancient »

Offline Smith

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Re: Unidentified Faerie Folk
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2011, 04:53:17 AM »
In our game, my friend made his character a "Gremlin Blooded" Changeling. Gremlins came about in World War II, made up by British pilots to explain random mechanical errors. Later a story-book was written, illustrated and published by the Walt Disney company about them and how the pilots convinced the gremlins to help in the war-effort against the Nazis by fouling their planes. There was also a Warner Brothers cartoon about them, featuring Bugs Bunny.

Also if you're looking for inspiration on Fae and Fairy types, there was a game put out in the 90's called "Changeling: The Dreaming" by White-Wolf. They did quite a bit of research and came up with a few really cool "Kiths" that could easily be adapted for a DF Game.

Offline Imp

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Re: Unidentified Faerie Folk
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2011, 04:55:21 AM »
Domovoi are friendly house faeries. While most faeries are repulsed by Thresholds, Domovoi are able to thrive in them. However, Domovoi will not do anything to endanger the Threshold of the house it adopted. Indeed, they will help in the limited manner they can, usually with warnings. They have limited oracular abilities, and will provide warnings to protect their wards. They will grieve as much as any family member over the death of anyone in the household.

Though friendly to their Threshold providers, they are less caring toward others, usually stealing to benefit their wards.

Lastly, a Domovoi does not appreciate an unkempt house. Though they can be forgiving in a high intensity household (read: lots of family), they will increase the messiness of an unkempt home if they deem it insufficient. Once returned to proper order, they will be satisfied. They tend to know local faerie cleaning services.

to my background we have similar being, a House brownie, your discretion is more or less spot on to them too.

Another one is an Irish Imp (most of the times getting lumped in with Leprechauns)  They are small Fearies that seek human attention by playing jokes and pranks, they try not to cause serious harm to human or animal.  They are notable thieves of all things from food to jewelery, thou they can be great friends as long as you can put up with their pranks.

They can be kept in check from this stealing or "trading" as they call it, is to leave a dish on a end table or low bookcase, fill the dish with odd and ends, shiny things and odd coins, one earring or a unknown key.  

the most effective way to get rid of one of them imps is simply to ignore it, act as if you don't notice it's joke or they simply don't phase you.  sooner or later they will grow bored and find someone else get too.

lol my grandfather used to tell me when i was younger "i must have sat on a little folk back home to gain such in Imp in my bloodline"  This was normally after he caught me getting into trouble
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Offline Peteman

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Re: Unidentified Faerie Folk
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2011, 05:28:52 AM »
In our game, my friend made his character a "Gremlin Blooded" Changeling. Gremlins came about in World War II, made up by British pilots to explain random mechanical errors. Later a story-book was written, illustrated and published by the Walt Disney company about them and how the pilots convinced the gremlins to help in the war-effort against the Nazis by fouling their planes. There was also a Warner Brothers cartoon about them, featuring Bugs Bunny.

I have a Technomage* character whose Trouble is "F*^%ing Gremlins"

*Still suffers from Hex compels, but has some pretty ingenious ability to design hex wards.

Offline newtinmpls

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Re: Unidentified Faerie Folk
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2011, 09:46:10 AM »
Thinking about Fey in a house - someone mentioned Domovoi - I've been toying with that idea for "Tsukumogami - inanimate objects that come to life after years of use" (stolen from a google definition), anyway, I thought that it might be intersting to relate the power of the fey/critters OF a house to the strength of that household's threshold.


Offline HappyDaze

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Re: Unidentified Faerie Folk
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2011, 06:27:33 PM »
Ran with the Satyr idea a bit.  Satyrs are typically not well-mannered, and most don't seem to accept that rape is wrong. All Satyrs are male, and all began life as Changelings.  Satyrs breed with mortal women and the results are always male Changeling offspring which commonly become Satyrs themselves.  Some Satyrs will drop back by to check on their offspring sometime after the young Changeling begins to express Fae traits (typically puberty), and they often seek to encourage the Choice.  Because of this behavior, Satyrs can start to assemble bands of their offspring which can lead to an alarming increase in sexual assaults (and other assaults) in the areas where the band travels.

Offline TheMouse

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Re: Unidentified Faerie Folk
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2011, 09:22:12 PM »
I can't recall, but do the books mention redcaps?

They're nasty buggers. They can change their size from wee little fellows to hulking brutes. They get their name because they kill folks and dip their caps in their blood, staining them red.

In the Dresden-verse I imagine that they'd end up being hitmen and thugs.

Mechanically, redcaps probably have some limited shape changing. The little form has Diminutive Size, while the large size most likely has Inhuman Strength, Toughness, and Recovery. Most likely has the standard iron Catch.

Sluagh are pretty cool. They're thought to be the spirits of the dead not good enough for Heaven, but unwanted in Hell. They fly through the night like flocks of birds, and have been known to swoop up travelers at night and carry them off into the night. They're also thought to sneak into the homes of those on their death bed, hoping to carry off the person's soul to join their masses. On rare occasions, they'll rescue people from shipwrecks, but that's thought to be really bad luck for the saved.

In the Dresden-verse, we don't tend to have actual spirits floating about all wily nilly. So perhaps they're a type of faerie that crafts more of their own from ghosts before they can go off on their own or fade.

Mechanically, probably has Wings (that likely look like some sort of clothing when not in use) and Cloak of Shadows. May optionally have Glamour or Unseelie Magic.

Offline Grokken

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Re: Unidentified Faerie Folk
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2011, 02:27:58 PM »
I can't recall, but do the books mention redcaps?

They're nasty buggers. They can change their size from wee little fellows to hulking brutes. They get their name because they kill folks and dip their caps in their blood, staining them red.

In the Dresden-verse I imagine that they'd end up being hitmen and thugs.

Mechanically, redcaps probably have some limited shape changing. The little form has Diminutive Size, while the large size most likely has Inhuman Strength, Toughness, and Recovery. Most likely has the standard iron Catch.

Sluagh are pretty cool. They're thought to be the spirits of the dead not good enough for Heaven, but unwanted in Hell. They fly through the night like flocks of birds, and have been known to swoop up travelers at night and carry them off into the night. They're also thought to sneak into the homes of those on their death bed, hoping to carry off the person's soul to join their masses. On rare occasions, they'll rescue people from shipwrecks, but that's thought to be really bad luck for the saved.

In the Dresden-verse, we don't tend to have actual spirits floating about all wily nilly. So perhaps they're a type of faerie that crafts more of their own from ghosts before they can go off on their own or fade.

Mechanically, probably has Wings (that likely look like some sort of clothing when not in use) and Cloak of Shadows. May optionally have Glamour or Unseelie Magic.

Redcaps as I recall wore iron shod shoes so that means they are unlikely to be affected by the catch of iron.  Though they did have a classical catch that I thought was nice and wicked.  They could easily be banished if you had one of their teeth, of course in order to get a tooth you had to beat the crap out of one first.  They were affected only by their OWN tooth, but one could assume that having the tooth of one would be intimidating to any others you might run across.

One I've always thought had scary potential was the Fachan.  Very creepy looking and should have some interesting powers.  Also known as peg leg Jack, it would bounce on one leg chasing people with a club in its one hand.  It had one eye, ear, nose, mouth and arm all down a center line at its front almost like a person cut in half and reshaped.  My thought was this was how they were made, and if you killed one the other half would be compelled to hunt you down.

Offline TheMouse

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Re: Unidentified Faerie Folk
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2011, 02:42:57 PM »
Redcaps as I recall wore iron shod shoes so that means they are unlikely to be affected by the catch of iron. 

Iron shod shoes don't mean that the iron is actually touching you. They could just be all bad-ass and ready to kick other creatures of faerie in the face.

Offline zenten

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Re: Unidentified Faerie Folk
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2011, 04:11:53 PM »
I think the idea is that redcaps are so badass that they'll wear iron shoes even though it is their Bane.

Offline Team8Mum

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Re: Unidentified Faerie Folk
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2011, 07:25:21 PM »
I recently did Selkie for the Liverpool based setting I am working on,
but I treated them as were-seals rather than Faerie.
I would HATE to be a character in one of the stories I write -
and then there are the days when it looks too much like I AM!