Author Topic: A Member's Library thread  (Read 2835 times)

Offline tallgrrl

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A Member's Library thread
« on: January 03, 2011, 08:01:43 PM »
A specific place for all the threads people start with reading suggestions for all those months we're Jonesing for another dose of Dresden.

Here's two of them, and I'm sure there are others too.,23234.0.html,946.0.html

Not suggesting the actual titles or authors be compiled, though if someone had the urge that may be an option too, but it'd be a pain to keep up.  I know we can all go out there and look up F/SF books for ourselves but it's nice to hear what others here are reading and why they like them, since we all know that at least we have an appreciation of Harry in common as a starting point.

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Offline Priscellie

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Re: A Member's Library thread
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2011, 08:03:48 PM »
That's what the "If you like the Dresden Files, try..." is for.  That's why it's stickied.

Offline Electric MacButters

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Re: A Member's Library thread
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2011, 01:30:47 AM »
As an extention of this idea, how much addition work would it be for the mods and/or the site itself to create a child board for book suggestions?  All these great suggestions keep getting double posted every time any of us forget there is a stickied thread (I myself am guilty on this count.)   Also, it would allow the suggestions to be better indexed buy giving each thread a genre so we don't have to go searching for that one book thread that started with Sci-fi suggestions, then moved to High Fantasy, followed by vampire romance before turning to the complete works of Julia Childs trying to find that one suggestion from page 7 that you can't quite remember.

I completely understand if the idea is cost prohibitive, I just thought I would throw it out there.

Should this child board be created, I would be willing to go through the existing threads and copy the posts into their respective genres. :)
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