Not really. If you are smart about it, the girl would have not have seen your faces. Or at least be able to identify the real you.
But of course if the GM has a hard-on to punish the characters for ruining the moral dilemma he has spent hours and hours on crafting (that light at the end of the tunnel is really a train, you are on a railroad), you can't really do much about it.
The story seed wasn't "peasants seek you out because Lord Blah likes them young" - it was "you stumble over a young girl in the woods".
So your PCs stumble over a young girl in the woods and immediately make sure that she doesn't see their faces? Before they know who she is or that there is a problem? As for spending hours on something, it was one of 101 story seeds - the author might have spend hours putting them all together but I really doubt he spent hours on that one. As for railroading - I fail to see how presenting a world where the powerful have power is railroading.
The question was asked what made Harn different, the answer is basically it's the deadly combat system and realistic setting. It's a setting where killing is often as inappropriate as it is in modern life...
Since I tracked down that file again, here's the story seed I summarised:
The Wild Child…
As the PCs march through the woodlands, or are ready to pitch camp, they come across a young girl who looks to be about 12 years old. She sits in the crook of a tree crying, and doesn't notice the PCs. Next to her is a burlap sack with food, water, and a blanket.
Her father, trying to save her from the lord of their village, dropped off the girl. The lord has taken an unnatural attraction to the young girl, and has a history of molesting the young girls of the village; including the girl's mother. While the girl has yet to be touched, the lord has made quite clear his intentions to the parents.
1) If the PCs let the girl alone, or she runs away (if the PCs are too intimidating and flees), they will not see her again.
2) If the PCs approach her in a friendly manner, she will tell them what has happened, though she only knows she was abandoned and knows nothing of the lord's intentions.
3) If the PCs offer to take the girl home, she can help them with general directions, but she rode with her father for almost two full days on a mule and is somewhat lost. A skilled tracker could follow the mule tracks with relative ease.
4) If the PCs make it to the village the girl will lead them to her cottage, which is on the outskirts of the village. Some villagers will glare at the PCs in anger, as they know why the girl was taken away. The mother will be very angry at the PCs though happy to see her daughter. She will bid the PCs to take the girl back to the woods. She will beg, plead and even offer to pay what pittance she has.
5) If the PCs accuse the mother (or even make a snide comment) of abandoning her daughter, she will pull the PCs aside so her daughter is out of sight and show them fresh lash wounds given by the lord when he found out the daughter was missing. She will then tell them the full story in angry sobs. About this time the father will have returned from the fields, having gotten word from a friend. He too bears wounds and will implore them to leave quietly with their daughter. Subtle questioning of some other villagers will find some verifying and others denying. Overt, public questioning will result denial from all asked.
6) If the PCs let the lord know about the girl, they will be paid 50d for returning a run away serf. He will be very concerned, acting in a very different manner than the parents have described. The lord is the foul molester as accused, and the little girl has a horrid future to face. Due to his power, position, the subtle nature of his assaults, and the social status of his victims, there will be little the PCs can do unless they wish to risk physically harming him. The ramifications will be severe in that case.
7) If the PCs do sneak the girl back out, they must do so quickly and quietly. The lord will hire bounty hunters and levy charges against them if he finds out. PCs who get away quietly must now either adopt or abandon the girl, though there is probably a Peonian establishment somewhere nearby who would accept her given the situation.

If the PCs leave the girl at a nearby village, the bounty hunters will find her about a week later and return her.