Use the powers here to easily convert DFRPG characters into DnD equivalents. These powers do not convert mechanics - they convert ideology and how the game plays from one system into another. Note that DnD stats are very different than DFRPG stats. All rolls and checks translate to 2,5 points of DnD bonus = +1 DFRPG bonus. DFRPG Spell Shifts = (2x DnD spell level) +2. DFRPG refresh = (2x DnD level) +2 (DnD PCs get once again their character power in magic items - an itemless PC gets half that much)
[-1] DnD Wizardry - whoever takes this power prepares spells like a DnD wizard rather than a DFRPG evoker. For every mental stress box, they get to memorize 4 spells of that specific power. Those spells are replenished when the character does a longer rest such as when sleeping at night, not when other stress clears. The mental box is not used up; it is considered used up (in terms of other uses) when it has less than half its maximum spells remaining. Should the character use up the mental box in other uses (i.e. taking a mental attack) then he does not have access to those spells until the stress is cleared.
Special: DnD Wizardry can be taken multiple times. Each additional time increases the number of spells per stress box by one. The limit of times DnD Wizardry can be taken is your number of refinements +1, and DnD wizards do not take The Sight and Soulgaze. If you apply this power to Sponsored Magic instead of Evocation, then you are a DnD cleric, not a DnD wizard.
[-1] DnD Hit Points - whoever takes this stunt has additional HP like a DnD character. Character with this stunt have two extra physical stress boxes. Those boxes can be used normally but like some supernatural toughness powers they have a catch; stress in them does not clear normally; it requires either an extended rest or a restorative evocation or thaumaturgy spell with shifts equal to the number of stress in the box. If you have recovery powers, calculate how many shifts a recovery power would heal per scene in consequence equivalents and heal stress accordingly; 6 stress for inhuman, 12 for supernatural, 22 for mythic.
Special: You can take this stunt one additional time for every 2 refresh above 8 and for every 2 endurance above 3. Each additional time increases the extra stress boxes by 1. This stunt is incompatible with stunts/powers that increase your number of consequences.
[+0] Phat Lewt!!! - DnD characters live in an environment where magic items are abundant. They do not need a specific high concept or aspect to be associated with an IoP in order to take it and they may spend extra refresh into new IoPs and/or improving existing IoPs any time they could reasonably acquire magical treasure or have access to a merchant of magic items. IoPs acquired in this way do not have the "indestructible" and "higher purpose" abilities. A character can get up to half his refresh total -1 into such items.
Special: It is possible for a DnD party to find items of significant power that cannot be divided among PCs but are too pricey for any PC to use. In this case, spread the refresh cost among all PCs with the "Phat Lewt!!!" power, with the understanding that the powerful item will be used by the PC which most benefits but belongs to the entire party. In addition, DnD characters are restricted to one IoP in each location of the body; head, torso, back, waist, feet, main hand, off hand, any 3 jewelry. Last but not least, it is possible for PCs to steal, borrow or otherwise acquire and use magic items in excess of their WPL allowance (i.e. beyond Refresh limits). Those uses should be allowed if the PC is creative but with a caveat; like all temporary powers, they cost in Fate Points or Future Compels. I.e. if you steal a magic sword and use it, the GM could future compel you (i.e. a compel that you accept in advance like in potions or sponsored magic) that the town guard tracks down the theft eventually or the merchant hires a wizard to Divine the identity of the thief or the sword gets stolen again from you, along with some of your money/mundane items.
[-1] Skill Focus/Specialization - this ability can be taken as either a stunt or as a power. As a stunt, you have focused on the use of certain aspects of a skill. You get +1 to skill rolls in two different aspects. As a power, your "DnD class" focuses on that skill and you have paid the "skill points" to max it - your high concept or one of your aspects must justify you getting this power. If you do, you get +1 to all uses of this skill.
Special: Write down this ability as "[skill name] focus" or "[skill name] specialization."
[-1] Saving Throws - you have good saves and bad saves, like a DnD character. Out of Endurance, Athletics and Discipline, choose two. Your defense rolls against magical or extraordinary attacks are at +2 bonus for those skills. Your defense rolls against the same for the third skill are at -2 penalty.
[-1] Revolving Door of Death - you can die as easily as anyone else but for you, death is not much of a hindrance. You can be raised from the dead with a 12-shift divine thaumaturgy spell if your body is not destroyed or with a 20-shift divine thaumaturgy spell if your body is destroyed. A 16-shift arcane spell can provide a "clone" body to where your soul can migrate if you die and you can live again and a 20-shift arcane spell can wish you back into life.
Special: if you have this ability, you cannot conceed automatically; you have to run away successfully, somehow protect yourself or convince your enemy to spare you via diplomacy. Special magic could make your return harder and this gives no protection against permanent effects that don't kill you.
[-1] Spell Resistance - you are harder to affect through magic; you, but not the zone you stand in, are considered a threshold of 2 vs spells and spell-like abilities but not supernatural abilities. This reflects the fact that magic has a harder time affecting you than your defenses would indicate.
Special: you can take this ability more than once. This reflects higher than average resistance to magic for your level. The maximum is Spell Resistance 7x, giving you an effective Legendary resistance on top of your normal defenses.
[-2-x] Spell-like Abilities: You have a number of spell-like abilities, spells you can use at will. Set aside X points of refresh. You get a number of SLAs equal to your conviction score, similar to a wizard's Rotes. The effect of each SLA in shifts is 2x. Build each SLA as follows; 0 shifts for touch range, 1 shift for 1 zone range, 2 shifts for 3 zones range, 3 shifts for line of sight. 2 shifts per zone of effect or 1 shift per additional target. Shifts for duration follow the standard time table. After range, area and duration are paid for, the remaining shifts go to the spell effect. The attack roll for all SLAs is Conviction+2 or Presence+2, depending on the creature in question.
Special: If you want more SLAs, you can break up one or more max-power SLAs into more but weaker ones on a point by point basis.