Author Topic: Can't Wait  (Read 12316 times)

Offline Falar

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Can't Wait
« on: March 22, 2007, 05:27:33 PM »
Yeah, I suck at giving topics witty and interesting subjects. I go more for the obvious and excited.

I just can't wait for the Dresden Files RPG to be out there. Spirit of the Century has got to be one of the favorite systems and something built from the same base and by the same people? I am so terribly excited that I can scarce contain myself.

Not to mention that I love the feel of the Dresdenverse for roleplaying in. It's something that I've been looking for for a while now, but hadn't really found yet. Shadowrun came close, but the rules got in the way. I like lighter, faster stuff that I can introduce non-roleplayers to easily.

I just can't wait. As a GM, it'll be GREAT FUN.

Shame I don't know anyone in this new area I'm at to roleplay with, but there's always the internet. Hi-ho IRC roleplaying.
Lead Creator of Terror in the Twin Cities - winner of the 2010 Borden DFRPG Award for Best Location