He is what he is; a very powerful being working to spread joy, charity, and good will throughout the world. And probably the Never-Never as well; he's visited Oz on one occasion.
Actually, the modern myth of Santa is just a reinterpretation of a character known in many Germanic traditions (Someone else mentioned one of them Zwarte Piet "Black Peter"), who around midwinter would travel the world giving gifts to good children and savagely punishing (usually beating or kidnapping) naughty children.
So the "real" Santa would probably be more like this (as infact the real life santa was, until he was Disneyfide into the Santa we know).
Even wyldfae belong to (or at least lean to) one court or the other. It was demonstrated in summer knight, when even toot was called to pick a side.
What it said in Summer Knight was that in times of great imbalance, the Wyld fae could be "called", basically drafted for the war, but even in those circumstances, they got to choose which side they fought for (also choosing a side would be necessary since no fae would be safe from the war). Now yes, the nasty Fae usually chose Winter, and the nicer Fae Summer, but that was just a rule of thumb, not a compulsion.
In the end, each wyldfae chose for itself whether to fight and who to fight for. This is proven by the dewdrop fairies choosing to side with the Pizzalord.