Author Topic: April Birthday LARP, as it stands now.  (Read 13545 times)

Offline M T Fierce, h.d.

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April Birthday LARP, as it stands now.
« on: March 30, 2007, 05:34:56 PM »
Alright, no copy of FATE, Spirit of the Century, or anything related (yet), but I've been asked to run a freeform Dresdenverse LARP for my sister's birthday.  The things I've been told to include (why does this feel like Game Chef all of a sudden?) is a "member of the Alpha's pack who has moved to Colorado Springs," and "a pirate.  Or someone who thinks they're a pirate."  The birthday girl has read everything published and watched all of the TV,  although not everyone participating will be as caught up (especially as it's coming up this next month) so I want something more introductory to the universe. 

Fey and vampires both are in my repertoire.  Her favourite character is Thomas (which is why she's got her own Ticker to White Night's release), although she likes just about everyone except Susan. 

I'm having trouble working in the pirate.  Any suggestions?
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Offline jtaylor

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Re: April Birthday LARP, as it stands now.
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2007, 07:37:12 PM »
I would go with a Black Court vamp who was a pirate captian turned in Port Royale in 1680. You could use him a major villian. He would have power levels near Marva and have plenty of Pirate goodness thrown in.
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Offline Falar

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Re: April Birthday LARP, as it stands now.
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2007, 06:35:01 PM »
I would go with a software pirate. Who happens to also be a vampire or a werewolf. Or even just a normal person who happens to get involved in all of this (maybe he has some dealings with werewolves/vampires of some sort, or he's a member of a gang that's partially in the know about magic).

Or you could go with a retired Philipines pirate, living high off his life of illicit gun-running, smuggling and ... of course ... piracy. There are still pirates today. They don't have cutlasses or muskets or keel-haul people (okay, maybe they do the last one), but they're definitely around.

Other jtaylor's suggestion ... wizard pirate. You could still have him in the 1800's and he'd just be nearing the end of his lifespan, if I recall wizard lifespans correctly. He'd have a musket and a cutlass. An ENSORCELLED cutlass.

EDIT: Also, Fate is available in the downloads section of
« Last Edit: March 31, 2007, 06:37:04 PM by falar »
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Offline M T Fierce, h.d.

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Re: April Birthday LARP, as it stands now.
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2007, 09:44:07 PM »
jtaylor for the win!  That's a fabulous idea and gives me the chance to make it for a player who arrives after dark.  If the pirate is scheduled to arrive sooner, I may just go with that wizard modification falar suggested. 

Yeah, I have stuff for FATE all over my computer, but no time.  Not the kind of time to address it with the attention I want to, at least.  Thanks for the link, though!
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Offline jtaylor

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Re: April Birthday LARP, as it stands now.
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2007, 07:23:19 PM »
I just thought of another option, Have the pirate from the 1680s be a ghost a-la TV Bob. That way there can be sunlight involved, but the downside is that the person playing the pirate can't directly do anything.
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