Author Topic: Non-Accorded Neutral Ground  (Read 3713 times)

Offline sinker

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Non-Accorded Neutral Ground
« on: December 06, 2010, 03:35:37 AM »
Hey, anyone else come up with a good idea for supernatural neutral ground? I hate how suddenly there are hundreds of "Accorded Neutral Grounds" everywhere, when in the books it seemed like Mac's was kinda special that way.

My group has a cop bar for a neutral meeting place. We figure no one's going to start anything in front of dozens of mortal authorities.

Offline Buscadera

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Re: Non-Accorded Neutral Ground
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2010, 03:52:37 AM »
For a local Miami game that never got off the ground, I took my favorite Miami bar (Churchill's: A Sort of English Pub) and turned it into The Winston. Guarded by a ogre-blooded doorman and frequented by Miami's supernatural community (which include a golem-commanding rabbi, a loa-summoning voodoo mambo and the club-hopping "adult" version of Ariel from The Little Mermaid), most of the supernatural community uses it as a meeting ground. It acts as a safe haven for runaways of all types, all watched over by the doorman Mr. G. Since almost every group has a vested interest in the place staying calm, everyone tries to stay polite.

It even has the aspect We Ain't Accorded, But We're Neutral.
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Offline Kaldra

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Re: Non-Accorded Neutral Ground
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2010, 09:12:07 AM »
i am running a character in a pbp, or will be here soon, who runs a consulting firm one of the aspects is "WARDED not ACCORDED neutral ground". things wont go boom, its his place of business after all, instead you may find your self hearing colors, smelling sounds, feeling sights and feeling like Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is coursing through you.

Offline Belial666

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Re: Non-Accorded Neutral Ground
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2010, 02:09:39 PM »
My character is a powerful warlock. Her domain is a network of catacombs where warlocks can be taught to control black magic instead of it controlling them. It also happens to be a neutral ground.

Violation of said neutral ground results in you being eaten by tentacled horrors and then your semi-digested pieces of your soul banished beyond the Outer Gates.

Offline danthehut

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Re: Non-Accorded Neutral Ground
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2010, 02:14:09 PM »
Violation of said neutral ground results in you being eaten by tentacled horrors and then your semi-digested pieces of your soul banished beyond the Outer Gates.

That sounds like it breaks a law of magic!

Offline Belial666

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Re: Non-Accorded Neutral Ground
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2010, 02:27:02 PM »
Of course it does. My character is a warlock scion with Outsider magic. She is not fully human so technically she is not subject to White Council justice and she is smart enough not to violate the other laws on humans. I.e. if the violator of her sanctum was a human, she'd just drain their energy to feed her pet tentacled horrors until they collapsed from exhaustion. But since that's not killing, mindraping, transforming, doing necromancy or violating Time, no laws actually apply.

Also, the Seventh Law says "you shall not seek knowledge or power from beyond the Outer Gates". If you are born with said power and do not seek knowledge yourself but someone else teaches you, there is no violation.

Offline Bruce Coulson

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Re: Non-Accorded Neutral Ground
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2010, 05:57:53 PM »
Neutral Ground can be whatever the local powers want it to be; Accorded or not.  If the movers and shakers want someplace as a safe meeting ground, then it is.  An visitor would be told the rules.  A powerful enough visitor could break the peace...but wouldn't unless there was a REALLY good reason to do so.  Having a place where meetings and deals can take place without worrying about sudden violence is a common enough desire that most cities probably have such a place.  And useful enough that even powerful beings would honor it.  After all, if ever major power in a city swears an oath not to violate the peace in a particular park, that's just as good, thematically, as an Accorded spot.
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Offline deathwombat

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Re: Non-Accorded Neutral Ground
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2010, 02:19:20 AM »
Where are you getting  hundreds of  accorded neutral grounds from?
Bad typists untie!!!!

Offline sinker

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Re: Non-Accorded Neutral Ground
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2010, 02:43:24 AM »
Just seems like where everyone goes for neutral territory during city creation (also at least one of the examples has one), so if every city has one...