To be honest, the laws of magic (while fairly reasonable from a certain point of view and certainly valid for the Dresdenverse) are pretty strict. I mean, Dr. Strange has broken more than his share and he's a superhero!
I'd be more surprised to find other fantasy settings where major mage characters fall within the Laws.
Thats what makes The Dresden Files cool.
yeah Harry could mind wipe people and such, but he would be an evil sumbytch.
It shows real consequences to meddling with peoples minds, mind control, time travel, meddling with Death ect.
Speaking of Buffy they do touch on some of them.
Faith Kills a Mortal and their like "We have to put her down", Willow does it and they put her on a short leash and exile her to England to be with a Gaggle of witches to retrain her. In one episode Willow tries to wipe someones memory of a bad event and she erases everyone's memory and its one of the event that leads her to getting addicted to "bad magic".
Anyone ever read that DC Comics "event" where they find out that they erased a Bad Guys mind and "Neutered" him (with magic) from being a rapist evil bastard to a comic fool. Then when he finds out he goes Ape Sh*t?