OK, so I saw HP7 last night. Overall I enjoyed the show, though I haven't read the books.
I couldn't help myself though, last night, watching all this rampant Lawbreaking going on. I just had to wonder where the darned wardens were at!? :p
No spoilers here, but over the franchise I've counted violations of darn near every law the White Council has! Enforced shape changes, mind alteration, peering about in another mind, swimming against the currents of time... Okay, let them off the hook on the outsiders and the killing bit (mostly), but still! /sigh. So much for saving us from dark lords and what not, I mean the savior-kid's as black as his nemesis!
Now if I've ticked anyone off, I'm sorry, this is all tongue FIRMLY planted in cheek with like a packet full of salt grains! See? Still got one of them from the theater here.